Here is the current list of IP Addresses you may need to unblock to allow Improved Email Send to work.
With Version 2023.10 ClickDimensions released a new and greatly improved Email Send service to our customers!
What should you expect?
Clicking on Send in the Dynamics ribbon will start a new Email Send process.
- Customers on Solution 2023.10 or higher will see a Modal appear on screen.
- Customers on Solution 2023.09 or lower will continue to see a new browser tab open.
During the Pre-Approve stage, the verification process will go through a number of steps.
Connecting / Verifying your account details
Checking your Email Send
Verifying the Email Content
Checking compliance
Querying the number of recipients
If no validation errors are found the verification process will move to the Approve stage.
If a validation error is found during the verification process it will display on the screen. Click on Back to Draft to return your Email Send status to Draft.
Back to Draft
During the Pre-Approve stage and before clicking Approve to send your email, you have the option of cancelling an Email Send by clicking on Back to Draft. Upon clicking this button, the verification process will stop and your Email Send status will be returned to Draft.
The Email Send record status becomes Inactive while the verification process is in progress. This prevents you from making changes. If you want to make any changes, you must click on Back to Draft to return your Email Send status to Draft.
During the Pre-Approve stage and before clicking Approve to send your email, you have the option of closing the Approve Email Send window by clicking on Close or X. To reopen the Approve Email Send window again click on Send in the Dynamics ribbon. The verification process will continue in the background even while this window is closed.
During the Approve stage you will need to check the checkbox to certify that your recipients have opted into receiving your mail (if the email is not Transactional) or that the Email Send is transactional and does not contain marketing material.
You will also see the total number of recipients listed, and if the Email Send is set to undergo a split test, the number of recipients included in the test groups will also be listed.
What Happens Next?
Once you have clicked Approve, you will return to the Email Send record.
Progress Bar
The Process stage will have a Progress Bar display in the Email Send for a short time. This progress bar simply shows you a bit more detail on where your Email Send is in the send process. Once the Status has changed from In Progress to Sent, the progress bar will disappear.
Email Send Views
Two new status reasons have been added and will show in the All Email Sends CRM View.
Ready for Approval
Pre-Approve will display emails going through the verification process or that have encountered an error.
Ready for Approval will display emails that have completed the verification process and have moved to the Approve stage.
A new Dynamics system view called Ready for Approval has also been created to further aid you to identify any emails which have gone through the verification process and are awaiting your approval.
How long will an Email Send record stay in Ready for Approval?
If you have not selected the checkbox and clicked Approve to sent your email within 48 hours of the completed verification process, Click will automatically return it's status to Draft.