In a Drag & Drop email editor, you can place a Video block which will hold the URL and thumbnail image for a video that you want to include in your email. At this time, YouTube and Vimeo videos are the only videos that can be used in this block.
Click adds a play button onto the thumbnail, but please keep in mind that the video will not play within your recipients' inboxes—clicking on the video thumbnail will open the video in a new browser/tab on their device.
Adding the block
In the Elements sidebar, locate the Video block and drag that onto your email.
You can add the block to your email as you would any other block—adding it to an existing section, as part of a column, as a single block within a section, or other configurations.
Adding/Replacing the URL
Once the block is in place, you will need to add the URL to it. You can click on the Add Video URL button in the block or the Add URL button in the sidebar.
Once you click on one of those buttons, the Add Video URL box will appear. Place the URL for your video and click the Add Video button to save the URL. Remember that you can currently place YouTube or Vimeo video links here.
When the URL has been saved, the box will disappear and you will see your video's thumbnail appear in the video block. (See the example below.)
This thumbnail will link to your video and open it in a new window/tab on your recipients' browsers.
Editing/Removing the Video URL
If you need to replace the video URL or completely remove it from the video block, you can do so using the Edit URL or Remove URL buttons in the sidebar.
Next Steps
Once your URL is in place, you can style the block however you wish as you would any other block in the editor.
Then when you send the email, your recipients will be able to click on the video and view it in their device's browser.
Will I see clicks on the video reflected in my statistics?
Yes. Clicks your recipients make on your videos will be included in your email statistics as other clicks are.
Can I include links to private videos from YouTube or Vimeo?
No. Private videos (those not publicly available to anyone but requiring an invite to view) will not be able to be used in the Video block.
Can I choose which thumbnail displays in the block?
Click will pull in a thumbnail from the video you add, so if you (or a user in your organization) is hosting that video on YouTube or Vimeo, you may be able to select a set thumbnail within YouTube or Vimeo. That thumbnail should then be what is displayed in your Click email.
Feature Added: 10.0 |
Click Version Need: 9.6.0 |