Google Postmaster Tools are a free dashboard provided by Google that will tell you exactly what Gmail thinks of your domain reputation. You do not need to set up Google Postmaster Tools - their use is always optional, and only useful if you send enough email volume to Google-hosted email addresses.
Although it is only designed to answer the question, "Do my email messages have a good domain reputation at Gmail?" it can act as a very good proxy for your sending domain reputation overall. Google are state of the art when it comes to tracking the engagement their Gmail customers have with the email they see, and since Google is motivated to have happy users of their Gmail email service, they monitor and analyze a myriad of data points on that inbound email, and show some of them in Google Postmaster Tools.
There are three steps to the process of setting up Google Postmaster Tools so that you can share the data with the Click Deliverability team.
Gathering pre-requisites
- You must be sending on average a minimum 100 email messages per day to Gmail (or Google Workspace hosted mailboxes) for each of your domains.
- You’ll need a Google account to sign into Google Postmaster Tools with. This can just be your own personal Gmail account, but you’ll probably want to check with colleagues, your IT team, and your Change Management committee (if you have one).
- You will need to create at least one DNS TXT record, so you’ll need access to your DNS Service. This may be via a web portal they provide, or through your own IT resources. When in doubt, check with the particular company you're using for additional help or instructions. Keep in mind that changes to DNS records may take up to 48 hours to take effect.
Set up in Google
When you are ready to set up you’ll want to first read through Google’s own documentation here:
Then navigate to and:
- Sign in with your Google account
- In the bottom right, click the round “+” button
- Enter your sending domain
- Click Next, and follow Google’s instructions in the next modal.
- You will be taking the TXT record value that they give you, which will look something similar to:
and creating the TXT DNS record mentioned in the section on Pre-requisites. You will possibly need the assistance of your DNS IT team, or DNS Service Provider to complete this step. If you have created, or updated your domain’s SPF record before, this is a similar process.
- Verify your domain (Google have specific instructions here:
- To prove that you own this domain, click Verify
- Remember after verification, it may take some time before your domain’s verification status updates to “Verified.”
Share with Click's Deliverability Team
To share access to your domain with Click's Deliverability team:
- On your computer, sign in to Gmail Postmaster Tools
- Hover your cursor over one of your verified domains
- To the right of the domain, click the “kebab ellipsis” ⋮ (3 vertical dots)
- Click “Manage Users”
- At bottom-right, click the round button “+”
- In the pop-up, enter the Click Deliverability team identifier to add the Click Deliverability team as an additional authorized Gmail Postmaster Tools user with “read access” on your domain.
- After completing this step, let us know in the ticket we have open with you so we can check and monitor the data from Google
Remember as a domain owner, you can add or remove anyone who isn’t also an owner from your domain. If you want to remove someone from your domain who is an owner, however, you’ll need to remove their domain verification record in the DNS.
[Optional] - Check your own email sending data
Google can sometimes take up to 48 hours (rarely longer) to start showing data on the Google Postmaster Tools dashboard. Once you start to see data you can check the user-reported spam rate, IP address reputation, Domain reputation, email authentication (SPF, DKIM and DMARC), and other data points.
N.B. Remember that this will be Google’s view of all the email that you send to Gmail addresses or Google Workspace hosted mailboxes, and so will include any other ESPs that you use for other mailstreams.