- Learn how to change the password on the service account that was set up for Click to communicate with Dynamics via Username/Password authentication for On-Premise customers.
The Click service requires a Dynamics user account to be set up as a “service account.” If the password is changed for this user, the Click service will be unable to communicate with Dynamics, and you will be unable to access Click functions from within Dynamics.
If you have already changed the password for the service account, when navigating to certain portions of the Click system within Dynamics, you may see an error similar to “An unsecured or incorrectly secured fault was received from the other party. See the inner FaultException for the fault code and detail." This indicates that the password is out of sync.
When you originally registered for the Click solution, one of the fields you had to enter information into was the Dynamics user field. This information was needed to establish a service user for our application. While we recommend that you create a dedicated Dynamics user with a fixed password, you can easily provide any Dynamics user with appropriate privileges. (NOTE: Some corporate policies and security best practices dictate changing the password on service accounts and user accounts on a regular basis.)
- Dynamics 365
- Legacy View
The user has remained the same but the password has changed
You must change the password after you have changed it with Microsoft. To update the password used by Click, follow these steps:
Step 1: Change the password in Dynamics
Change the password in the Active Directory (LiveID or Office 365 for Dynamics Online users).
Step 2: Navigate to Service Credentials
In Dynamics, navigate to Settings & Support > ClickDimensions Settings and click on the Service Credentials link.
Step 3: Select Update Authentication Method
Step 4: Select Username and Password authentication
Step 5: Enter the new password and username
Allow 60 minutes for the connection to be re-established.
Dynamics 2013/2015
The user has remained the same but the password has changed
You must change the password after you have changed it with Microsoft. To update the password used by Click, follow these steps:
Step 1: Change the password for Dynamics
Change the password for this user in the Active Directory (LiveID or Office 365 for Dynamics Online users).
Step 2: Change the password in Service Credentials
Navigate to Settings > ClickDimensions Settings, then select Service Credentials from under the ClickDimensions Settings heading.
Step 3: Select Update Authentication Method
Step 4: Select Username and Password authentication
Step 5: Enter the new password and username
Allow 60 minutes for the connection to be re-established.
To change both the username AND password for the service user
As of version 10.7, it is now possible to update both the Service User name and password from this Service Credentials area. If you continue having issues with updating your service user credentials, then please open a support ticket. Please tell us the URL to your Dynamics environment as well as the new username and we can investigate the issue on our end.
Feature Added: Original |
Feature Updated: 11.10.0 |
Click Version Needed: Any |