- Dynamics 365
- Legacy
For Microsoft Unified Interface customers, the Click solution can be updated on demand when a new solution is available.
The Click Service user must have the System Administrator security role to use the On Demand update option.
Please note that when a managed solution is imported into your environment, the solution components will overwrite any customizations that you have previously made to those components. If you have a need to manage and maintain customizations to elements included in the Click Solution, we recommend using the On Demand process outlined on this page, or the Manual Solution Update process, so that you can export your customizations prior to updating and then re-import them when the update is complete.
If you have decided to move forward with On Demand Updates, follow the steps below.
First, go to Settings & Support > ClickDimensions Settings > Solution Management.
You will be presented with the Solution page. (Note that if you are also using Click Sales Engagement, you will see the SE solution in this window as well. If you want to update SE, see this article).
Select the Click solution file and click the Update button
This will open the Marketing Automation Solution page.
It will show you which version of Click Marketing Automation you currently have and what the newest version is.
Fill out the Email address you'd like the notification to be sent to when your solution has been updated.
Click the "Update now" button in the On Demand Update section.
You will see a notification letting you know that the update has started. When the update is complete a notification will be sent to the Notification Email address.
Dynamics 2013/2015/2016
For Microsoft CRM 2013, 2015, 2016, or CRM Online customers, the Click solution can be updated on demand when a new solution is available.
The Click Service user must have the System Administrator security role to use the On Demand update option.
Please note that when a managed solution is imported into your environment, the solution components will overwrite any customizations that you have previously made to those components. If you have a need to manage and maintain customizations to elements included in the Click Solution, we recommend using the On Demand process outlined in this page or the Manual Solution Update process, so that you can export your customizations prior to updating and then re-import them when the update is complete.
If you have decided to move forward with On Demand Updates, follow the steps below.
First, go to Settings & Support > ClickDimensions Settings > Solution Management.
You will be presented with the Solution page. (Note that if you are also using Click Sales Engagement, you will see the SE solution in this window as well. If you want to update SE, see this article).
Select the Click solution file and click the Update button
This will open the Marketing Automation Solution page.
It will show you which version of Click Marketing Automation you currently have and what the newest version is.
Fill out the Email address you'd like the notification to be sent to when your solution has been updated.
Click the "Update now" button in the On Demand Update section.
You will see a notification letting you know that the update has started. When the update is complete a notification will be sent to the Notification Email address.