Image Manager API
Click supports API operations to allow interacting with the Image Manager component of Email Template and Web Content editors. This API is helpful for migrating images from legacy marketing applications or to enable integrations with marketing resource libraries. The Image Manager API includes methods to retrieve folder content, add/delete image folders and subfolders, and add/delete images.
Using the Image Manager API requires you to develop and maintain custom code. The Click technical support team does not offer technical support for custom code or API calls.
Working with the API
Each call to the Image Manager API requires an Account Key and Authorization Header. All calls to the Image Manager API should be in the form of a POST request. Most of the API’s methods resolve its parameters using a query string (the UploadImage method requires a JSON request body).
• Account Key: The Account Key can be found within CRM by navigating to Settings > ClickDimensions Settings. The Account Key is displayed at the top of the ClickDimensions Settings page.
• Authorization Header: For each API method, you must generate a new Authorization Header. To generate an Authorization Header, you will need the unique Token for the account. To find the Token, navigate in CRM to Settings > Customizations > Customize the System. Locate the cdi_settings.xml web resource. The Token is listed in this XML web resource.
An example of generating the Authorization Header:
public static string ComputeHash(string token, string uri)
byte[] secretBytes = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(token);
HMACMD5 hmac = new HMACMD5(secretBytes);
byte[] dataBytes = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(uri));
byte[] computedHash = hmac.ComputeHash(dataBytes);
string computedHashString = Convert.ToBase64String(computedHash);
return computedHashString;
Usage example:
var webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
webRequest.Method = "GET";
webRequest.Headers.Add("Authorization", ComputeHash("acSweI", "/Service.svc/av4CmktPKMk6drBsFYcaaw/folder"));
API Methods
In the following examples, the yellow highlighted portion of the request should be replaced with the correct Account Key, and the Authorization Header should be generated as noted above.
Note: The request samples below use the base URL for the Click application in the US data center ( You should use the web services address for the data center where your Click account is hosted.
API address by Data Center hosting account
US | |
EU | |
AU | |
CAN | |
Returns all the image definitions that contains image folder for particular account Id.
UriTemplate: Service.svc/{accountKey}/folder
Request sample:
POST: /Service.svc/foldercontent/ ab3CjkrPJRk6erBsSYcxaw
Authorization: 4+y6Cf2zs98CLHC1YOAGxA==
ab3CjkrPJRk6erBsSYcxaw – Account Key
NOTE: Authorization header is different for every API method.
Creates a new folder with the specified name under a parent folder. To create a new folder in the root directory, use “0” as the ID for the parent folder.
Request sample:
UriTemplate : Service.svc/{accountKey}/folder/{folderId}
Request body:
"folderName" : "New folder name",
"parentId" : "0",
ab3CjkrPJRk6erBsSYcxaw – Account Key
NewImageFolderName – Name for new folder
0 – ID of parent folder, in case you need to add a subfolder to the root, use 0 as ID.
NOTE: Authorization header is different for every API method.
To add a new subfolder to an existing parent folder, you first need to get the folder list using the GetImageFolderContent method in order to parse the response and learn the parent folder’s ID. The JSON response will look like this example:
{"CreatedOn":null,"Id":"0","Name":"Root","ParentId":null,"id":"0","name":"Root", "parentid":null,"subfolders":[{"CreatedOn":"\/Date(1455193141888)\/","Id":"56bc7c3673050d530ce969c9", "Name":"zzzz","ParentId":"0","id":"56bc7c3673050d530ce969c9","name":"zzzz", "parentid":"0","subfolders":[{"CreatedOn":"\/Date(1455193167203)\/","Id":"56bc7c4f73050d530ce969cb", "Name":"xxxx","ParentId":"56bc7c3673050d530ce969c9", "id":"56bc7c4f73050d530ce969cb","name":"xxxx", "parentid":"56bc7c3673050d530ce969c9","subfolders":[]}]}]}
In the above example JSON response, we have a structure like this:
- Root
- zzzz
- xxxx
- zzzz
The ID of the ‘zzzz’ folder is 56bc7c3673050d530ce969c9
To add a new 'Newsletter' subfolder to the 'zzzz' folder you would post the following call:
POST ab3CjkrPJRk6erBsSYcxaw /Newsletter/ 56bc7c3673050d530ce969c9
Authorization: NRDTXizeYNuliZliysdR3g==
Deletes a folder by its ID
Request sample:
Uri template: Service.svc/{accountKey}/folder/{folderId}
HTTP method: DELETE ab3CjkrPJRk6erBsSYcxaw /FolderIdToDelete
Authorization: cKS0xgfrLvrH1OWxQBSmRg==
ab3CjkrPJRk6erBsSYcxaw – Account Key
FolderIdToDelete – Folder ID that will be deleted
NOTE: Authorization header is different for every API method.
Delete an image by its ID
UriTemplate :{accountKey}/image/{fileId}
Request sample: ab3CjkrPJRk6erBsSYcxaw /image/ImageIdToDelete
Headers: Authorization: dxBaHWWch+cYu7IeNGaNhQ==
Parameters: ab3CjkrPJRk6erBsSYcxaw – Account Key
ImageIdToDelete – The image ID that will be deleted.
NOTE: Authorization header is different for every API method.
Upload a new or replace an existing image in the Image Manager
Method: POST
Request sample:
POST: ab3CjkrPJRk6erBsSYcxaw /image
Headers: Authorization: +zd49i7ajkLkxCoF5JStWw==
"fileName": "testFileName.jpg",
"content": “Base64Encoded bytes string”,
accountKey – The Account Key
fileName - The file name that will be given to the image in the Image Manager
parentId – The ID of the folder where the image will be stored. If uploading to the root folder, use “0” as the ID.
replaceExisting – boolean parameter that indicates whether the file should overwrite an existing one with the same name. Values can be “true” or “false”.
content – Base64 encoded file content. The images are stored in Azure Blob Storage as Base64 encoded files. Below is an example in C# of converting an image to Base64 encoding. The resulting string should be placed in the “content” parameter.
Example of encoding an images as a Base64 string:
var webRequest =
webRequest.Method = "POST";
ComputeHash("aPmtBJ", "/Service.svc/a7OfXqYcukiAsOhywWhvGw/image")); webRequest.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8"; var butes = File.ReadAllBytes("D:\\2.jpg"); var obj = new { fileName = "BiggerThanExpected.jpg", parentId = "0", replaceExisting = "true", content = Convert.ToBase64String(butes) }; var data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj); using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(webRequest.GetRequestStream())) { streamWriter.Write(data); } var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)webRequest.GetResponse(); using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream())) { var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); }