FreeMarker code is a "template engine" designed to generate text output based on templates and changing data. It's meant to prepare the data to display in real programming language.
With Click, you can use FreeMarker code when creating email templates to dynamically change to reference the Owner, Lead, Contact, and Account records to whom you’re sending the email to. When you add FreeMarker code to an Email Template, you are creating a FreeMarker template; your code specifies how the data will be displayed. When you send the email, FreeMarker grabs the appropriate prepared data from Microsoft Dynamics and displays it as you have it specified.
How can I use FreeMarker with Click?
All of Click's dynamic content is done with FreeMarker code. You can pull data from a Dynamics record into an email via personalization menus, dynamic content in links, manually add your own FreeMarker statements, and connections list. You can use if-statements to show or hide content sections based on data in a Dynamics record.
NOTE: FreeMarker code is considered third-party code that will work with the Click solution. Click can offer only limited support with FreeMarker-related questions.
FreeMarker and Click
Extra Resources about FreeMarker |
Feature Added: Original |
Feature Updated: 6.7.0 |
Click Version Need: 6.7.0 |