Email Designer users can save content and use it again later. When editing a design, you can design a custom row (e.g., a header, a footer. a "Promotion of the Month" section, etc.), save it, and easily reuse it in other designs. Saved rows can be found in the builder's Row tab by selecting Saved Rows.
Find the icon
You will find a save icon:
- In the Row actions toolbar.
- In the Row Properties panel shown when selecting a row.
This icon is available for all rows in any design you have created.
Pick a name and save
After clicking on the save icon, pick a name, then click on Save to confirm.
Reuse your saved row
Once a row has been saved you can find it in the builder's Row tab.
Note that you will only see 30 rows populate in the builder sidebar due to loading limitations. Use the Search by keyword field to search for the names of your saved rows.
Managing a saved row
To delete or edit a saved row, click on the vertical ellipsis on the row, then click on Delete or Edit info.
After clicking on Delete, you will have to confirm the action in order to proceed.
After clicking on Edit info the saved row will open in the Row Builder. You'll notice there is no Settings tab in the sidebar; the only options you have are Content and Row. There are also some limitations with the Row tab. Notably, you can not add more rows to your designs. You can only update the settings for the existing row.
When you have completed updating the row, click Save. Alternatively, if you don't want to save any changes, click Back.