10.7.1 - September 2020
Data Center | Solution |
US Data Center | September 17th, 2020 |
EU Data Center | September 17th, 2020 |
CA Data Center | September 17th, 2020 |
AU Data Center | September 17th, 2020 |
You can quickly update at any time and there is no additional charge to do so. The last column in the tables below indicates if the item is already available (Instant Update) or if you must update your solution file to get the update (Solution Update Required)
Defect Fixes
Defect # | Feature | Description | Update Type |
170286 | Solution | When converting a lead or creating a contact with an account, a plugin error was showing | Solution Update Required |
ClickDimensions Core Changes
No changes.
ClickDimensions User Changes
No changes.
ClickDimensions Service Changes
No changes.
ClickDimensions Lock Blocks Changes
No changes.
IP Address Additions
Here is the current list of IP Addresses you may need to unblock to allow ClickDimensions to work.
No new IP addresses were added with this release. However, there have been several new ones in the recent past and we suggest taking a look at the article linked above to make sure you have allowed those new IP addresses.
Plugin Changes
No changes