The Click Academy is free self-service online e-learning portal available for all Click customers and partners. It includes a plethora of how-to training in a variety of courses to help you get the most of Click. You can decide which product or feature courses you want to go through and at what pace works for you, as we want learning to be available as “choose your own adventure”.
We believe our Academy will provide a great online learning experience for you! It has a flexible structure filled with product training videos to make learning Click more interactive and convenient, so the use of Click will be even more intuitive and rewarding.
If you wish, our Academy is also where you can enroll in a Click Certification to test your knowledge!
Below, see details on how you can access it, know what to expect, and get a sneak peek of what it looks like.
Article Sections:
- New User Signup
- Logging In
- Your Dashboard
Academy Content Catalog
- Course Content in Academy
- How Courses are Categorized in the Catalog
- Certification Course Paths in Academy
- Course Content in Academy
- Supported Internet Browsers
How to Use the Click Academy from Click on Vimeo.
New User Signup
Reach out to your Click representative to request access to our Academy.
Once they have invited you, you will first receive an email invite to the Academy from our Academy system. In the email invite you will click on the unique invitation link and an internet browser page asking you to create a password will appear. After creating and confirming a password, this will setup your new Academy user and log you in for the first time.
Logging In
After your initial user setup and login, when you navigate back to the Academy site below is what the login page will look like.
For Click Customers, here you can directly login to the Customer Academy.
For Click Partners you can navigate to the Partner Academy a couple of ways - through the Partner Portal here then the left-hand Training tab button OR directly on the Partner Academy here.
Your Dashboard
Your dashboard shows how many courses you are enrolled in or have completed as well as the courses you're currently working on. So you can review what you have already done or resume a course to complete it.
You can also navigate to your account profile and update your name, avatar, and more. At any time, you click on the Dashboard button to return to it or to visit the Course Catalog.
- In the Total Number of Courses area, you can click on the buttons to view.
- What Courses you are enrolled in or have completed
- What Learning Paths you are in
- What Course Questions you have asked
- In the top left menu you have the Dashboard and Catalog buttons to navigate to the Catalog of courses and back to your Dashboard.
- On the Dashboard when you're viewing your enrolled in courses, the middle area shows the courses to resume taking.
- In the top right menu you have a search bar, in-Academy messages, access to your User Profile and Training History.
Course Content in Academy
You will see all available product courses in the Academy Catalog.
Navigating to the Catalog --> Click on the upper left hand Catalog button.
How Courses are Categorized in the Catalog
Current Catalog Categories:
Click 101
- The Product Courses here are what we consider to be the foundational features of Click that are a starting point in learning the product.
- If you get into the Academy and don't know where to start, this category of courses is a good place.
- From there think about what type of Click content you are needing to currently create or learn about using. Start with the product courses that help you accomplish your current business goals.
- Then when you want to test your knowledge on this content, you can do so by enrolling in the Marketing Essentials Certification path.
Click 201
- The Product Courses here are on additional or advanced features of Click.
Getting Started - 4 Core Features
- These are the product courses of the 4 Click features that are best to enroll in for foundational knowledge and use of the product.
Certification Course Paths in Academy
Our current Product Certification available is Marketing Essentials Certification in the Catalog under "Learning Paths" in the top menu bar!
We don't want to pressure you with having to take a Certification, so if you would like to just go through course content at your leisure you can. Then whenever you would like, you can enroll in a Certification path to test out your knowledge! Passing the certification will provide you with an Academy Certificate.
Once enrolled, the Certification path will show the feature exams required to attain the certification. To understand the product/feature you will be tested on, you can go enroll in the related feature content course first (in the Catalog under Courses) before taking the exam.
Supported Internet Browsers for the Academy
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
- Apple Safari
Microsoft Edge
- User Experience FYI - some users have reported issues using the Edge browser. Make sure you are on the latest updated version, as improved user experience in the Academy was reported being on the latest updates.
If you experience issues using the online Academy system in a certain browser, we recommend making sure you are on the latest browser version first. Then try out the Academy in another browser to narrow down the issue and see if you have an improved experience.