Sometimes an email is sent to one address and the recipient replies with a different address. For example, you send it to and she replies with Of course, you want to reply to that new email address. Sales Engagement takes care of that for you. Here’s how it works.
If someone replies with a different email address, Sales Engagement will automatically move the email address that is currently in the Email 1 field to the Email 2 field and put the new email address in the Email 1 field. Now, any further emails will be sent to that new address in Email 1.
If that Contact or Lead already has another email address in Email 2, we will check if Email 3 is available. If all email fields are already full, we will not make any updates.
Another scenario is that your user does not have the privilege to update the Contact or Lead record, in that instance we also will not be able to update the Contact or Lead.
No matter what happens, you will get an email that we either made the update or we tried to make the update. That email will contain a link to the Contact or Lead record so that you can easily access it and make any updates you want.
Note: If someone forwards the email and that person replies, we do not update the Contact or Lead record because they are likely a completely different person. It must be a situation where it is a shared mailbox for us to update the Contact or Lead.