Dashboards are customizable views that display various records and charts from your environment. They come standard with Dynamics, but you can also view Click content within them and dynamically edit them.
Click automatically installs two dashboards for you to view both Email Marketing and Web Statistics. To view the Web Analytics Dashboard, navigate to Web and Events > Web Analytics Dashboard.
This dashboard contains a few different views:
Active IP Organizations
Active IP Organizations are the records of IP Organizations who have accessed your website.
IP Organizations are organizations whose IP address Click has noticed accessing your site. The IP Organization will have a name, which is the registered name for that IP address (please keep in mind that the name may represent the network provider for the visitor). Much of the time we can also can provide geographical information based on the IP as well.
Active Identified Page Views
Page Views show each individual page that has been viewed on your website by an identified visitor.
Active Visits
Active Visits are all the active logs of the instance of someone visiting your site. The most recent Visit record is listed at the top.
Active Form Submissions
Form Submissions are records created every time a form is submitted. You can open these Form Submission records to view the individual fields that were submitted within the form as well.
Active Visits by IP Country
This shows a graph of the countries who have most frequently visited your web site (as determined by their IP address). You can click on the bars on the graph for more information as well as the icons in the top right corner.
Active Page Views Anonymous vs Identified by Month
This shows a graph of the anonymous vs identified Page Views by month.
Feature Added: Original |
Feature Updated: Original |
Click Version Need: Any |