Dashboards are customizable views that can display various records and charts from your environment. They come standard with Dynamics, but you can also view Click content within them and dynamically edit them.
In Dynamics, Click automatically installs two dashboards for you to view both Email Analytics and Web Analytics. To access the Email Analytics dashboard go to Messaging > Email Analytics Dashboard.
The Email Analytics Dashboard contains a few different views:
Active Sent Emails View
Sent Email records represent the interactions that a single recipient had with an email. This view includes all the Sent Email records in your Dynamics, so it shows every individual email that has been sent out.
The view includes columns for a number of valuable elements from the Sent Emails, such as the subject, recipient email address, and how many times the recipient opened or clicked the email.
Clicks Email Events View
This is a complete list of every click-type Email Event record that has been created by Click as a result of someone clicking on a link in an email.
Email Events Distribution Chart
This chart shows a visual representation of the data included in the Active Email Events view to its right. In other words, this chart shows a breakdown of what percentages of your total recorded Email Events are opens, clicks, bounces, etc.
Mousing over the chart displays buttons in the top right corner that will allow you to enlarge the chart and parent view in order to read them more easily.
Active Email Events View
This is a full list of every Email Event record that has been created in your environment. These Email Event records include those with type Deliveries, Opens, Clicks, and more.