Forms allow your visitors to submit information such as their name, location, and email address, which you can then store in your Dynamics environment. Such information can be used in a great variety of ways and can help you, for example, see in which areas your product has garnered the most interest, add customers to your email lists, or even identify new visitors. Forms can be embedded in landing pages or directly on your website, and submitted forms can be tied to the Lead or Contact that supplied the information.
What are Form Builder and Form Capture and when do I use each?
Form Designer, legacy Form Builder and Form Capture are the three different ways you can make a form in ClickDimensions. It is important to choose which type of form you would like to make before getting started, as the set up is different for each.
Form Designer allows you to create a form from scratch with our modern designer UI. Any submitted information will be stored in your Dynamics environment automatically.
Form Builder allows you to create a form from scratch with our easy drag and drop editor. Any submitted information will be stored in your Dynamics environment automatically.
Form Capture uses an existing HTML form on your website to store submitted information in your Dynamics environment.
How to Create a Form
Form Designer set-up documentation: How to create a Form with Form Designer and Form Designer Layout.
Feature Added: Original |
Feature Updated: 8.1.0 |
ClickDimensions Version Needed: Any |