If you are creating a Landing Page in ClickDimensions with the Block Editor you may want to be able to add extra scripts like CSS and JavaScript to your page. This article will give an example of how you can edit the CSS of the page for advanced styling options.
- Learn about the External Resources feature of the Landing Page Block Editor
- Learn how to add CSS to a Block Editor Landing Page
- Dynamics 365
Navigate to External Resources
Here is our starting Landing Page. We have some basic text with bare-bones formatting, an image, and a background color for the page.
To add some CSS, we'll navigate to Page > Add External Resources.
It opens up a new window for us.
Add CSS to External Resources
I'll paste the CSS I wrote in the Head section and click Save. The page will update with the new format as specified by the CSS.
CSS formats a background for the container, a white overlay for the text box, the bold text and header text.