Does Click Store Any of My Data?
Click does not directly access or copy your Dynamics database. Your Dynamics data is maintained safely and securely in your database, while relevant portions of that data are also stored safely and securely on our side, and limited amounts of data will be submitted through our web services. The specific data elements submitted and then processed by Click depends on which tools you use and what fields you choose to include in your emails, surveys, forms and profile management page.
Is the communication between Click and my environment secure?
Yes. If you register your environment using an address that starts with HTTPS, then our connection to your environment will always be securely encrypted using the SSL certificate you've installed on your environment website (or the one used by Microsoft for Dynamics Online). Note that self-signed SSL certificates are not supported.
Click's services communicate with your environment exclusively via HTTPS (or HTTP, if specified during your account registration). Click's services do not use FTP or SFTP.
How does Click connect to my environment?
Click communicates with your environment using only Microsoft-documented methods to connect to environment's web services. Click does not communicate or connect to SQL Server, Active Directory, or any other server or network applications. All of our functionality is delivered through Microsoft's SDK (Software Development Kit) methods for Dynamics. Microsoft has also designated the Click solution as Certified for Microsoft Dynamics (CfMD). For detailed information on Click connectivity, read here.
Who has access to Click servers?
Our application is entirely hosted in Microsoft's Windows Azure system in Microsoft data centers. As such, physical access to the servers and network resources that host the Click application is restricted to Microsoft personnel. Click personnel do not have physical access to these resources. See Microsoft's Windows Azure Trust Center for more information. Remote access to the production environment is restricted to the Click CTO. The Click application production environment is a separate network from our internal operations network. Therefore, Click employees, such as developers and technical support individuals, do not have access to the Click production application.
Where are the Microsoft Azure data centers located?
Subprocessor | Geographic Location |
Microsoft Azure |
US: North-Central |
Can I retain control of the password that Click uses to connect to my environment?
Absolutely. When you register your environment with Click, the connection information is securely transmitted in encrypted format. At any time after installing Click, you can change the password our system uses from within Dynamics by clicking on Settings > ClickDimensions Settings > Service Credentials. (Note that you must update it here prior to actually changing the password for the user.) See here for more.
What are the IP addresses of Click's service in Azure?
Some companies wish to restrict access to their environments to only specific IP addresses. See this article for the IP addresses currently being used by the Click application.