- Dynamics 365
- Legacy
Click offers three methods for updating the Click Solution: Manual, On Demand, and Automatic.
Below are frequently asked questions about using these methods to update the Click Solution in your Dynamics environment. For more information on the actual update process, please click here.
Where do I go to update the Solution?
To access the solution update options, navigate to Settings & Support > ClickDimensions Settings in the Click Marketing Automation application. Then click Solution Management under the ClickDimensions Settings heading:
You will be presented with a page with list of Solutions.
To update the Click solution select the item and click the Update button.
The Marketing Automation Solution page will present the three options for updating the solution.
How often are updates made Available?
If you choose the Automated update option, updates will be deployed as they are released. Click releases bigger updates to the solution approximately once a month, and occasionally a smaller bug fix release. The full-automated update does not get deployed immediately after a new solution is available, it will typically run a couple of weeks after a new release.
Is there a way to roll-back an Auto-Update?
The Auto-Update feature uses standard Dynamics methods to remotely install the latest version of the Click solution. You also have the Manual Update option, which allows you to download the solution and perform a manual installation. You should make sure you have a good, tested back-up of your Dynamics database prior to installing or updating any solution, as Dynamics at this time does not provide a way to roll-back a solution update.
What happens if the update does not work?
If the update does not work, you will receive an email with information about the problem that was encountered.
If I choose the " On Demand " option, how long does it take to perform the update?
The update process is handled asynchronously, meaning that it will be queued up for processing, and may take several minutes to a few hours to complete. Factors that can impact the speed of the update process include: the level of demand for updates from the Click system, the performance of your Dynamics infrastructure, and internet and network bandwidth and latency.
What about the Click workflow rules?
If you choose the On-Demand or Automated update options, the update process will re-assign the Click workflow rules to the service user so that they can be updated. If you choose to download the solution and manually perform an update by importing it yourself, you must be the owner of the workflow rules prior to importing the solution.
What permissions are needed to perform the auto-update?
If you choose the On-Demand or Automated update options, the Click service user must have the System Administrator security role to ensure that the proper privileges are in place.
How do I tell which user in Dynamics is the Click service user?
Many organizations will set up a dedicated Dynamics user to act as the service user for integration with Click and other external applications. However, it is also possible to use a person's Dynamics user account as the service user, if that person has sufficient privileges in the system. To check which user is being used as the service account, go to Settings > ClickDimensions Settings > Service Credentials. The username stated there is the Service User.
I did a manual update but received some warning messages. Was my update successful? The warnings said "The original SDK message processing step has been disabled and replaced with one included in this solution”
Yes, if you received no other warnings or errors, then your update was successful. This is a normal warning that indicates that the update process disabled previous SDK steps while replacing them with new ones during the update process.
Will Auto-Update overwrite my customizations?
Yes. The On-Demand or Automated methods of updating the Click solution use the overwrite option. This is necessary to ensure that all of our new features are enabled when your ClickDimensions solution is updated. If you have made customizations to entities that are included in the ClickDimensions solution, your customizations may be overwritten. We recommend exporting customizations prior to updating to ensure that they are not lost. Read more about this here.
Dynamics 2013/2015
Click offers three methods for updating the Click Solution: Manual, Semi-Automatic, and Automatic.
Below are frequently asked questions about using these methods to update the Click Solution in your Dynamics environment. For more information on the actual update process, please click here.
Where do I go to update the Solution?
To access the solution update options, navigate to Settings > ClickDimensions Settings in Dynamics
click Solution Management under the ClickDimensions Settings heading:
then you will be presented with three options for updating your Marketing Automation solution.
How often are updates made Available?
If you choose the Automated update option, updates will be deployed as they are released. Click releases bigger updates to the solution approximately once a month, and occasionally a smaller bug fix release. The Automated update does not get deployed immediately after a new solution is available, it will typically run a couple of weeks after a new release.
Is there a way to roll-back an Auto-Update?
The Auto-Update feature uses standard Dynamics methods to remotely install the latest version of the Click solution. You also have the Manual Update option, which allows you to download the solution and perform a manual installation. You should make sure you have a good, tested back-up of your Dynamics database prior to installing or updating any solution, as Dynamics at this time does not provide a way to roll-back a solution update.
What happens if the update does not work?
If the update does not work, you will receive an email with information about the problem that was encountered.
If I choose the "On Demand" option, how long does it take to perform the update?
The update process is handled asynchronously, meaning that it will be queued up for processing, and may take several minutes to a few hours to complete. Factors that can impact the speed of the update process include: the level of demand for updates from the Click system, the performance of your Dynamics infrastructure, and internet and network bandwidth and latency.
What about the Click workflow rules?
If you choose the On Demand or Automated update options, the update process will re-assign the Click workflow rules to the service user so that they can be updated. If you choose to download the solution and manually perform an update by importing it yourself, you must be the owner of the workflow rules prior to importing the solution.
What permissions are needed to perform the auto-update?
If you choose the On Demand or Automated update options, the Click service user must have the System Administrator security role to ensure that the proper privileges are in place.
How do I tell which user in Dynamics is the Click service user?
Many organizations will set up a dedicated Dynamics user to act as the service user for integration with Click and other external applications. However, it is also possible to use a person's Dynamics user account as the service user, if that person has sufficient privileges in the system. To check which user is being used as the service account, go to Settings > ClickDimensions Settings > Service Credentials. The username stated there is the Service User.
I did a manual update but received some warning messages. Was my update successful? The warnings said "The original SDK message processing step has been disabled and replaced with one included in this solution”
Yes, if you received no other warnings or errors, then your update was successful. This is a normal warning that indicates that the update process disabled previous SDK steps while replacing them with new ones during the update process.
Will Auto-Update overwrite my customizations?
Yes. The On Demand or Automated methods of updating the Click solution use the overwrite option. This is necessary to ensure that all of our new features are enabled when your Click solution is updated. If you have made customizations to entities that are included in the Click solution, your customizations may be overwritten. We recommend exporting customizations prior to updating to ensure that they are not lost. Read more about this here.
How often are updates made available?
If you choose the full-automated update option, updates will be deployed as they are released. Click releases bigger updates to the solution approximately once a month, and occasionally a smaller bug fix release.
Is there a way to roll-back an Auto-Update?
The Auto-Update feature uses standard Dynamics methods to remotely install the latest version of the Click solution. You also have the option to download the solution and perform a manual installation. You should make sure you have a good, tested back-up of your Dynamics database prior to installing or updating any solution, as Dynamics at this time does not provide a way to roll-back a solution update.
What happens if the update does not work?
If the update does not work, you will receive an email with information about the problem that was encountered.
If I choose the "Update Now" option, how long does it take to perform the update?
The update process is handled asynchronously, meaning that it will be queued up for processing, and may take several minutes to a few hours to complete. Factors that can impact the speed of the update process include: the level of demand for updates from the Click system, the performance of your Dynamics infrastructure, and internet and network bandwidth and latency.
What about the Click workflow rules?
If you choose the semi-automated or fully-automated update options, the update process will re-assign the Click workflow rules to the service user so that they can be updated. If you choose to download the solution and manually perform an update by importing it yourself, you must be the owner of the workflow rules prior to importing the solution.
What permissions are needed to perform the auto-update?
If you choose the semi-automated or automated update options, the Click service user must have the System Administrator security role to ensure that the proper privileges are in place.
How do I tell which user in Dynamics is the Click service user?
Many organizations will set up a dedicated Dynamics user to act as the service user for integration with Click and other external applications. However, it is also possible to use a person's Dynamics user account as the service user, if that person has sufficient privileges in the system. To check which user is being used as the service account, go to Settings > ClickDimensions Settings > Service Credentials. The username stated there is the Service User. Here's an example:
I did a manual update but received some warning messages. Was my update successful? The warnings said "The original SDK message processing step has been disabled and replaced with one included in this solution”
Yes, if you received no other warnings or errors, then your update was successful. This is a normal warning that indicates that the update process disabled previous SDK steps while replacing them with new ones during the update process.
Will Auto-Update overwrite my customizations?
Yes. The automatic and semi-automated methods of updating the Click solution use the overwrite option. This is necessary to ensure that all of our new features are enabled when your Click solution is updated. However, if you have made customizations to entities that are included in the Click solution, your customizations may be overwritten. Also, some system components, such as system views and option sets that are part of the Account, Contact and Lead entity, will be set back to their default state since these entities are included in the Click managed solution, and Microsoft does not provide a method to exclude them from the process. Read more about this here.