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Single Sign On authentication is available to D365 Online customers only.
Single Sign-On (SSO) is a session and user authentication service that permits a user to use one set of login credentials to access multiple applications. Click offers a Single Sign On authentication method for the Click Service User to manage integration between your Dynamics environment and the Click solution.
Why use Single Sign On?
The default authentication method for the ClickDimensions Service User is to cross reference the username and password specified under Service Credentials in ClickDimensions Settings. If the Service User changes their Dynamics login credentials, but does not also update the credentials in ClickDimensions Settings, it can cause connectivity issues between Dynamics and Click.
Enabling Single Sign On authentication allows us to remove the extra step of specifying credentials in ClickDimensions Settings and directly reference the Service User's D365 credentials. Since the credentials cannot be out of sync, the risk of connectivity issues can be avoided.
As of version 10.5, it is also possible to register for a solution using SSO authentication, and our registration article here can help with some of the common registration issues.
Enabling Single Sign On
Which user should enable Single Sign On?
When choosing the user who enables SSO keep in mind that user will effectively become the Click Service User in your Dynamics environment. So Click tasks such as record creation, updates, and more will be performed by this user. We typically recommend that the Service User be a user in your Dynamics environment which is not tied to an actual person but is used primarily to perform admin functions.
To enable SSO, navigate to Settings & Support > ClickDimensions Settings, then select Service Credentials.
Click Update Authentication Method.
This will initiate a wizard to guide you through the process of enabling SSO. Choose Service Principal Authentication (Single Sign On (SSO) as the authentication type, then click Next.
The next page will automatically populate with your Dynamics environment URL. This is the URL for the Dynamics environment for which you are enabling Single Sign On. Once you confirm the URL is correct, click Next.
Click Next, then you will be presented with a D365 login screen. Either select your own user, or choose another user if you are not going to be the Click Service User.
Once you select a user, you will directed to a terms & conditions screen. Click Accept.
You have now enabled Single Sign On authentication.
NOTE: SSO allows Click to be seen as an authorized app on the customer’s Azure account. So if the Global Admin’s password changes later or some other user change occurs, nothing needs to be done to continue our connection.
Can I swap back to the standard authentication method?
Yes! To do so, click Service Credentials again while SSO is your active authentication method, click Update Authentication Method, and choose Username & Password.
Do I need to use SSO because of Microsoft's MFA requirements?
No. Click is an ISV so MFA is not required for partner access. You can implement SSO (outlined above) and use MFA on the service user if you wish.
Feature Added: 9.10.0 |
Feature Updated: 11.10.0 |
Click Version Needed: Any |