What is the CAN-SPAM Act?
In 2003, the United States passed the CAN-SPAM act to prevent citizens from receiving unsolicited and disrupting spam messages through email. The following is a basic summary of the major points of the bill.
All emails must have:
- An obvious unsubscribe link
- A truthful and accurate subject line and from email address
- The street address of the company sending the email
- Warnings for adult content (if applicable)
- Emails must be sent through legitimate means to legitimately acquired email addresses
- Unsubscribes must take effect in 10 days
- Suppression Lists must be used properly
We enforce these principles by requiring all Click users to provide their email recipients with a method to unsubscribe from their content. For more information on how Click uses unsubscribes, click here.
If your organization is utilizing the Opt-Out Subscription Management method, a global unsubscribe link or direct link to a Subscription Page must be included in any Email Send sent to 500 or more recipients.
If your organization is utilizing the Opt-In Subscription Management method, all non-transactional emails, regardless of how many recipients they are sent to, must include a global unsubscribe link or a direct link to a Subscription Page.