After you've created an Email Send record and sent your email, you'll start getting your statistics in. There are many places in Dynamics to see these statistics. First are the Statistic Graphs automatically created in the Sent Email Send record.
NOTE: The opens and clicks from your emails will be updated for 30 days after the sending of your email. After this period, new clicks and opens will not be generated for the email.
- Dynamics 365
Email Send Statistics
To get to these graphs go to Messaging > Sent.
Open the Email Send record you would like to view. Click the Email Statistics button from the ribbon.
NOTE: Only Users with full Read privileges for Email Statistics in their Security role will be able to access to the Email Statistics button.
This will open a new tab in your browser where you will be able to see several types of statistics reports for your Email Send. Each section in this window shows the following information:
Overview: This will show you the graphical statistics of the Email Send. See further down this article to understand how these statistics are measured.
Email Clients: Here you will see the Top Clients recipients used to view the email, and a desktop vs. mobile breakdown to show which devices recipients used to view the email.
Conversions: This will show you the information about the activity to your website, including visits and form submissions generated from the particular email send. More about the Conversions here.
Click Report: The Click Report shows all the URLs that were clicked and all the people who clicked them for an email send. More about the Click Report here.
Recipients: This report will show a list of all recipients added to the Email Send, what type of entity they are (Lead, Contact, Account) and an overview of their deliveries, opens, clicks, and bounces from this particular Email Send. More about the Recipients Report here.
Click Heat Map: Here you will see your email template with bars above clicked links showing what percentage of total clicks came from that link. If you performed a split test, the email template for Strategy B will be displayed below the first email template. More about the Click Heat Map here.
Social Shares: Here you will see the Social Bars that show you how many people shared the email or a custom link via the email that you sent. The Social List shows who shared on what social platform and what they shared – whether it was the email or custom URL/tweet text. Learn more about Social Sharing Statistics here.
Overview Statistics Graphs
The following graphs can be found in the Overview section. Please note that after sending your Email Send, it may take a few minutes for Email Events to appear in Click and populate the Statistics graphs.
Overall Performance
The Overall Performance graph provides a big picture representation of how the Email Send performed.
Listed Recipients: The number of people you added as recipients to the Email Send excluding any duplicate emails (so this may not match the exact number you saw when you hit the send button on the Email Send).
Excluded Emails: We will remove any emails we should not send to including people who previously unsubscribed, previously had a hard bounce or too many soft bounces, or anyone who does not have an Email Address in the Email Address field. Learn more about excluded emails.
Messages: The number of emails that were sent – including confirmed and unconfirmed emails. This number is a true reflection of how many emails were sent, and will usually be a little bit more than Delivered, if not exactly the same.
% Interacted: This is the percentage of people who opened and/or clicked at least once. They interacted with the email in some way. [interactions/messages sent*100]
Interactions: The number of people who opened and/or clicked on the email at least once. [Sent Emails(opens>0 OR clicks>0)]
% Bounced: The percentage of hard and soft bounces combined that occurred when sending this email. Learn more about bounces here. [Sent Emails (bounces>0)/messages sent *100]
Bounces: The total number of bounces (hard and soft).
% Unsubscribed: The percentage of recipients who unsubscribed by clicking the link in this Email Send. [Email Event (type=Unsubscribe)/messages sent]
Unsubscribes: The number of people who unsubscribed from this email. [Email Event (type=Unsubscribe)]
The Interacted graphs provide a more detailed breakdown on the clicks and opens that occurred on the Email Send.
% Click rate: The percentage of people who clicked on at least one link in the email. This is calculated by dividing the total number of Sent Emails that had at least one click by the number of Messages Sent. [Sent Emails(click>0)/messages sent] Another way of calculating this would be [Unique Clickers (from Conversion tab)/ Messages Sent (from Overview tab)]
Unique clicks: The number of times a recipient clicked for the first time on a link in the email. For example, if a recipient clicked on three different links in an email you would generate one unique clicker and three unique clicks. However, if a recipient clicked on one link three times, that would generate one unique clicker and one unique click. [Recipient Unique Clicks]
Note: The Unique Clicks and Unique Clickers statistics can be different values. The Unique Clickers stat can be thought of as the number of emails with at least one click, so this value should never be greater than the number of recipients. The Unique Clicks stat measures the number of times that a recipient has clicked on a link for the first time, so this value can exceed the number of recipients, but should never be greater than [the number of recipients] multiplied by [the number of links in the email].
For example, in an email with 10 links that is sent to 5 recipients, the maximum number of Unique Clickers will be 5 while the maximum number of Unique Clicks will be 50 (5x10).
Total clicks: The total number of times every recipient clicked a link in the email combined.
NOTE: Recipients using Outlook with Safe Links enabled may register double the number of actual clicks that they make. This is because Microsoft's optional Safe Links feature registers a click for each link it checks in an email.
So your recipients whose organizations are using this in Outlook could click a total of 3 times in an email but you would see a total of 6 clicks for that recipient on your stats report. There's no way for Click to filter out or tag these Safe Links clicks so please be aware that this could show more clicks than actually occurred. You can learn more about Safe Links here.
% Open rate: The percentage of the number of Messages Sent that opened the email at least once. [Sent Emails (open>0)/messages sent] Opens here do not include inferred opens. Inferred opens are added when the recipient does not download images (including the tracking pixel), but they do click or unsubscribe. In this case, the recipient must download the images.
Unique opens: The number of people who have opened the email at least once. [Sent Emails (opens>0)] Opens here do NOT include inferred opens. Inferred opens are added when the recipient does not download images (including the tracking pixel), but they do click or unsubscribe. In this case, the recipient must download the images.
Total opens: The total number of times every recipient opened the email combined. Opens here do NOT include inferred opens. Inferred opens are added when the recipient does not download images (including the tracking pixel), but they do click or unsubscribe. In this case, the recipient must download the images.
Adjusted opens: The total number of times every recipient opened the email minus proxy Apple opens. This is done to give an estimate of how many emails were opened by actual recipients. For more details, please see our Adjusted Opens article.
The deliverability graphs provide more information about the types of bounces (if any) that were recorded for the Email Send.
Hard bounces: The percentage and number of hard bounces that occurred when sending this email. (Email Event Types: DNS Failure, Generic Bounce:No RCPT, and Invalid Recipient)
Soft bounces: The percentage and number soft bounces . Learn more about bounces here.
Export Email Statistics
If you would like to export these graphs, click Export Stats Report and a PDF of the overview email statistics graph will download to your computer.
For more details on how these are calculated read our article on it here.
For more statistics, see the article on Sent Email Sends.