The Click editors and Settings Page all utilize data from the Click cloud service and make use of cookie-based authentication to ensure that only the appropriate users from your organization are able to access this information. When there are issues with the authentication, you may be presented with an authentication error when accessing these sections. For example:
Authentication Error Scenarios
Below are a series of options that you can select to help find the most relevant steps for the error behavior that you are experiencing. Please note that you may need a Dynamics admin to help check some of the environment and user settings.
Which Scenario Best Fits?
Begin by selecting the radio button for where you are seeing authentication errors.
CD Settings Page errors
If you are able to access your Click editor windows within your Click entities (ex. Email Sends and Web Content) and only receive an aerror from the ClickDimensions Settings page, then this may indicate an issue with your environment's sitemap. Please try following the steps below to verify that the navigation link is using the correct value instead of a hard-coded URL.
To access the sitemap in Dynamics 365, navigate to Advanced Settings > Customizations > Customize the System > Client Extensions > select Site Map > Edit.
In the Sitemap Designer navigate to the Settings > ClickDimensions > ClickDimensions Settings (click on the area next to the gear icon if you do not see the display name ClickDimensions Settings).After selecting ClickDimensions Settings, on the right you will see URL and Title fields. Ensure that the URL and Title are set to the following values:
- URL: Settings Page
- Title: ClickDimensions Settings
Save and Publish, close the Sitemap Designer, log out and log back into Dynamics.
If you are on any other version of Dynamics Online/On-premise, you will need to use something like XRMToolBox Sitemap Editor to verify that the Sitemap navigation is using the web resource cdi_settingspage instead of a hard coded URL.
NOTE: XRMToolBox is a 3rd party tool for customizing Dynamics and should be performed by the CRM Administrator or Partner.
Load XRMToolBox and connect to your Dynamics environment
- Open SiteMap Editor
- Load SiteMap and choose Default
- Navigate to Area (settings) > Group (cdi_clickdimensionssettings) > Sub Area (cdi_settingspage)
- Verify that the URL is set as $webresource:cdi_settingspage
- Save
- Update SiteMap, log out and log back into your Dynamics environment.
Another possibility is that there are additional solution layers present on the sitemap. To check this, you can navigate to Customizations > Customize the System > Client Extensions > Sitemap and use the Solution Layers button to check if there are any solution layers other than the Click solution present. If there are, then these may need to be removed as these additional layers can prevent the appropriate updates to the sitemap.
Once there is only one layer from the Click solution, then you can check if the issue persists. If it does, then you can try importing the latest Click solution to see if this updates the sitemap and restores your ClickDimensions Settings Page. Our Sitemap article can also help you manually check and edit your sitemap if needed. -
Authentication Errors in Editors
Below are some of the most common causes of authentication errors that are occurring within your Click editors. Please select the option that most closely matches the behavior that you are experiencing.
Specific Browser and Network Issues
Due to the use of cookies for our security authentication, the settings and configuration of your browser may cause the cookie to not be generated and result in the authentication failing. You will need to check if you have any browser/network settings or extensions that prevent the creation of 3rd party cookies or that block cookies or scripts from running. You can then try disabling these settings/extensions to see if this gets rid of the authentication errors.
An easy way to check for browser issues is to use a different browser on the same computer/device to see if you still receive the security errors. If a different browser works, then the affected browser most likely has a setting or extension that is interfering with the process. You may also want to try clearing your cookies and cache for the affected browser to ensure that the security cookie has not expired. If you are using Internet Explorer, then you will also want to check our Internet Explorer settings article to ensure that it is setup correctly. -
General Issues
Click customers using the Unified Interface (UCI) may experience issues if customizations have been added via additional solution layers. If you are experiencing issues when accessing the Click editors from all or only specific entities, then try navigating to Advanced Settings > Customizations > Customize the System to check if there are additional solution layers.
If all editors are encountering issues, then please check under Model-driven Apps > ClickDimensions and use the Solutions Layer button to check if there are any non-Click layers in place. If there are, then these additional layers will need to be removed.
If editors for specific entities are encountering issues, then you will first want to check if you are using the default form for that entity instead of a custom form. The security authentication process requires specific scripts to run properly, and these scripts may not have been added to your custom forms. If the security errors still occur on the default form, then you will need to check under Entities > [Affected Entity] > Forms, then select the Information form and use the Solutions Layer button to check if there are any non-Click layers in place. If there are, then these additional layers will need to be removed. Here is an example of selecting the default form from the Email Send entity: -
Specific User Issues
If the security errors only occur for specific users within your organization, then there may be an issue with the security roles and privileges assigned to the affected users. For these issues, navigate to Advanced Settings > Security > Users and ensure that the affected users have at least the ClickDimensions User security role. You will also want to make sure that your Click Service User or Application User has the ClickDimensions Service security role.
Persisting Issues
The above categories are the most common causes of security errors, but there are other potential issues that can also cause authentication errors. For example, connection issues can prevent the Click services from connecting to your Dynamics environment and may also cause a authentication error.
If the above steps do not help address the issue, then please reach out to Click support to verify that we are able to connect to your environment successfully and for further troubleshooting assistance.