When working with Campaign Automations, you might have one that has a Date Timer in place and the time used in it has expired. If you need to edit it at all, you would typically run into an issue because of that expired date. The automation would flag that the past date is invalid and not allow republishing.
Campaign Automations are able to be republished even if a date timer with a past date exists in the builder.
Please keep in mind that republishing a Campaign Automation could affect your current participants. You can learn more about when it's safe to edit a live Campaign Automation here.
The Date Timer
When you edit and then try to republish a Campaign Automation with a past-dated date timer, a warning message will appear in the Date Timer's settings.
You will need to select any Date Timers in your Campaign Automation in order to see that warning message to ensure that you're not accidentally saving an past date.
Then you save and republish the automation. Just please review our best practices for editing a live Campaign Automation to ensure your participants will not be impacted.