Sometimes it can be helpful to store information on a Lead or Contact record that the customer didn't fill out themselves. For example, you may want to make a note of which form identified them, or that they submitted a special form on your website, or simply to have a Lead's "Topic" field be filled in automatically.
You can use a Hidden Form Field to accomplish this task. The "Hidden" means that you fill out the content you want to store on the record yourself--it's not something that will be visible to a customer submitting the form. Simply create this field, and you can map its "Default Value" to the "Topic" in a Lead and any appropriate field on a Contact. The information will automatically be populated there if they submit the form.
For more details on this, we can walk through an example where we have a form that upon submission lets customers download a recipe. We'll use a hidden form field to mark on their record that they downloaded the recipe via that form.
NOTE: This covers mapping a Hidden Field to a text field.
- Learn how to create a Hidden Form Field
- Learn how to use hidden fields to gather additional data in a form submission
Hidden Form Field
The "Name" field is just for the name of the field. This is not the information you want to store. You can map the field to "Topic" if you'd like, or anywhere else on a Lead or Contact record that can store text.
Add it to a Form
Add that field onto the appropriate form(s).
Important: Double-click on the field or click "Field Properties" to format this field. In the field for "Default Value", type whatever information you'd like to have stored and mapped.
You'll notice it's not visible on the actual form (hence the term "hidden"):
That's it! When someone fills out the form, you'll see the "hidden" information on their record:
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