With Click you can not only send text messages from Dynamics, but you can also send text messages via a Dynamics workflow.
NOTE: This article discusses the use of a Dynamics workflow to extend the native functionality of Click. Workflows are a native Dynamics entity, so we will not be able to provide technical support for this topic. If you need assistance setting up a workflow, please consult your Dynamics partner or administrator.
- Learn how to send an SMS message through a Dynamics workflow using a Click SMS Connector
- Dynamics 365
Create a Workflow
In this example we are going to create a workflow process to send an SMS message to a contact. We start by creating a new workflow process that can be triggered on-demand for contact records. Note that, as with any workflow, we can also have this fire when a field on the contact record is updated. Anything that can trigger a workflow is okay.
In the workflow we create a record called 'Text Message' and change its status to 'workflow' so that Click is alerted to send it.
In "Set Properties" for the Text Message record, we set the To field to be the contact against which we are running the workflow/to whom the Text Message will be sent. We also set the content of the Text Message, including any personalization fields we want to set, in the Message field.
Subscription List field is used to specify the Subscription List that this particular SMS Message will be related to. Subscription Lists help manage opt-ins and opt-outs, so selecting the appropriate Subscription List will ensure that only your recipients who opted-in to this subscription list will receive the message.
NOTE: The Subscription List field will be present if you are utilizing the Opt-In Subscription Management style or the default Opt-Out style, but if you are using the Opt-In style, you are required to specify a Subscription List.
Once you have set up your text message, save and activate your workflow.
Sending the SMS Message
Now we can run our workflow against a contact record by expanding the ribbon, selecting Flow:
and then choosing our workflow (as long as you configured your workflow to "Run as on-demand process").
Our contact will then receive the SMS with the personalization content pulled from their contact record fields.
The SMS sent to the contact is then logged in Dynamics as a closed activity record under the contact.