There are two ways to send an SMS - Bulk SMS to a Marketing List or Individual SMS to one Contact, Lead, or User. In this article we will show how to send an individual text message.
Create new Text Message
To create a new individual Text Message, navigate to Messaging > Text Messages > Other Activities and then select Text Message.
This will open a new blank Text Message.
Fill in Required Fields
Fill in a few fields before the message can be sent.
Subject: This will be the subject of the text message.
To: Choose the Lead, Contact, or User the SMS will be sent to.
NOTE: You can actually choose more than one recipient here. If you'd like to send to a few people but not create a Marketing List for them you can use this method.
Subscription List: This field is used to specify the Subscription List that this particular Bulk SMS message will be related to. Subscription Lists help manage opt-ins and opt-outs, so selecting the appropriate Subscription List will ensure that only your recipients that have opted-in to this Subscription List will receive the message.
NOTE: The Subscription List field will only be present if you have moved to our Subscription Opt-In style. Opt-Out is the default functionality.
Campaign: It can be associated to a CRM Campaign so that the records are shown on the Campaign.
Send Immediately: You can choose to send this text message out immediately or schedule it to send on a later date and time.
Send On: This field allows you to schedule when you would like to send your text message.
Status Reason: This field indicates the current send status of the Bulk SMS record and will update automatically once you choose to send the message. The statuses are (with N being the number of recipients):
Draft - The Parent message for 1:N recipients is created and saved as a record.
Processing– N individual messages are being sent to the queue for sending.
- Processed – N individual messages have been created from the Parent message.
Sent - N individual messages are sent.
Failed – A message has failed at some point of the delivery process.
Status Message: No longer populated.
Now Save the record to continue.
This will add the Message Content area where you can then edit the content for your SMS:
Send the Text Message
Press the Send button in the Message Content area or in the record options and wait for the statistics to come in!
NOTE: The text message record will automatically save when you press Send if you are on version 8.10+
Where to Find Previously Sent Text Messages
Once you have sent your Individual SMS, you can find the activity associated to the Contact or Lead record. To check this, you can open the Contact or Lead record and select Related > Activities:
And you can find all your Sent Individual Text Messages by going to Messaging > Text Messages and selecting the Sent view :
Feature Added: 12.11.0 |
Feature Updated: 12.11.0 |
ClickDimensions Version Needed: 12.11.0 |