When sending a text/SMS message, there could be an instance where you notice that your message didn't send. While we hope that's not the case, the following troubleshooting steps show how you can potentially resolve the issue yourself.
Troubleshooting Steps
1. Your SMS Connector
When ClickDimensions sends a text message on your behalf, we prepare it and then hand it off to your SMS provider. So a good first step is to check your SMS provider's logs to see if the message is recorded there.
If the message isn't in the provider's logs, then this indicates that there is most likely some connectivity or CRM issue preventing the request from our service to your SMS provider. You may check the ClickDimensions error logs in addition but you should also reauthenticate your SMS connector to guarantee it's properly connected.
2. ClickDimensions Workflows
The ClickDimensions solution includes a workflow called ClickDimensions Execute Text Message Send. Go to Settings > Processes and ensure that this workflow is active and owned by the ClickDimensions service user.
3. ClickDimensions Plugins
Our solution also provides plugins to handle certain tasks such as sending a text to your SMS provider. Specifically for text messages, we include the following 2 plugins on the Text Message entity; these are required for texts to be properly sent.
- SetState of cdi_txtmessage
- SetStateDynamicEntity of cdi_txtmessage
These plugins can be checked by accessing the solution under Settings > Solutions > ClickDimensions > SDK Message Processing Steps; a list of all plugins will display. Since this is part of the solution file, you may find it helpful to have your CRM Admin look at this with you.
4. IP address
If your CRM environment is on-premise you'll need to make sure that our SMS IP address has been whitelisted. ClickDimensions uses IPs to communicate with your environment for certain data, so if they are blocked, we will not be able to correctly communicate as needed. The SMS IP is specific to your data center and when whitelisted should allow inbound and outbound traffic.
5. Error logs
Should your text message have encountered an error, we do store logs that you can access in Error Trace. You can reach Error Trace by going to Settings > ClickDimensions Settings > Error Trace. When that window opens, select the SMS/Text option on the left. You can search for errors by date and will be able to see which message (if any) encountered an error.
The resulting error may show a simple issue with the recipient's contact/lead record that you can correct and then resend, but if you feel out of your depth when looking at the error message, you can open a ticket with our support team. And if you've checked through the other items above and still see can't get your message to send, then definitely contact support so we can assist you.