The Added to Segment trigger checks if somebody is added to a specific published segmentation list and may be used as an Entry Point Trigger or as an Internal Trigger. If this trigger is an entry point, any time a contact, lead, or account is added to the specified segmentation list, that participant will enter the campaign automation. For more details regarding the Segmentation feature, please see our Segmentation article
Add the Trigger to a Campaign Automation
To add an Added to Segment Trigger to a Campaign Automation, click on the trigger icon in the sidebar and drag it onto the Campaign Automation Canvas.
Trigger Properties
Once the trigger has been added to the canvas, click on it and you will see the right panel change to show the properties of this trigger.
Display Name (required): Once you select a list the Display Name will change automatically to the name of that form. However, you may change it to whatever you would like.
Select your segmentation list that will trigger your campaign (required): Use the lookup to select an existing published segmentation list. The trigger will run based on the list selected.
Run on entire list: This option is only available when the trigger is used as an entry point trigger for the automation. Enabling this option will add everyone on the selected segmentation list as a participant to the automation, as well as those who are added to the segmentation list after the Campaign Automation is published. This option is only available before the Campaign Automation is published; after the Campaign Automation is published, this option is no longer available to select. If Run on entire list is checked, once the Campaign Automation has been activated, this field as well as the Select your Segment field will be made read only.
If Run on entire list is not checked and you select a segmentation list that already contains leads/contacts/accounts, the Campaign Automation will not run on the existing Segment members when it is published. The Campaign Automation will only run on members added to the segmentation list after the automation is published.
Trigger only once: If checked and Run on entire list is also enabled, then each participant in the selected segmentation list will only trigger the automation once.
Warning: This "Trigger only once" option only prevents the participant from being added to the automation again by this specific trigger. If the participant triggers a different entry point trigger, then they will still be added to the Campaign Automation again.
Note: A note is an optional field for any details that need to be written about the trigger.
Feature Added: 2023.04 |
Feature Updated: 2023.04 |
Click Version Needed: 2023.04 |