The Page Visited trigger allows you to check to see if somebody has visited a page or set of pages from a particular domain, then follow up accordingly. The trigger may be used as an Entry Point Trigger or as an Internal Trigger. If the trigger is an entry point and a contact or lead has visited one of the selected pages with the Click Tracking Script inserted into, the Campaign Automation will begin.
For more details on setting up web tracking and using the Click Tracking script, please see our article here.
Add the Trigger to a Campaign Automation
To add a Page Visited Trigger to a Campaign Automation, click on the trigger icon in the sidebar and drag in onto the Campaign Automation Canvas.
Trigger Properties
Once the trigger has been added to the canvas, click on it, and you will see the right panel change to show the properties of this trigger.
Display Name (required): Once you select a domain, this will change automatically to the name of that domain, however you may change it to whatever you would like.
Select Domain (required): Choose an already created Domain record. For help on how to create a domain record, see here.
If you choose the option for "Specific pages in the domain", then an additional box will appear to allow you to insert the URLs of the specific pages that you would like to check for. The page URLs will be case-insensitive and should ignore the HTTP/HTTPS protocol that was used.
You can also use an asterisk (*) after any slash (/) in the URL to include any page that starts with that path. For example,* would match both "" and "".
Note: A note is an optional field for any details that need to be written about the trigger.
Trigger the automation: This field allows users to determine whether participants/email address should only be added a single time to the automation, or whether they would like to allow a visit by the same participant/email address to add them into the automation again after the specified period of time.
Feature Added: 10.6.0 |
Feature Updated: 11.2.0 |
Click Version Needed: 10.6 |