The Update Field action in a Campaign Automation is designed to allow you to update the following types of Dynamics fields on the lead, contact, or account record of a participant:
- Text fields (single and multiple lines of text)
- Option set fields (lists and dropdowns)
- Multi-select fields
- Date fields
- Lookup Fields
Add the Action
To add a Remove from List Action to a Campaign Automation, click on the Action icon in the sidebar and drag in onto the Campaign Automation Canvas.
Action Properties
Once the action has been added to the canvas, click on it, and you will see the right panel change to show the properties of this action.
Display Name (required): The display name is entered by default, however you can change the display name to anything you like.
Select Participant Type: This controls which entity will be updated. If your participant is a contact or account, but this action is set to lead, then the participant will continue through the action without their contact record being updated. A lead participant, however, would have their lead record updated.
Select Field: The entity you choose (lead/contact/account) for the Select Participant Type field will determine which fields are available to be updated. You can update any text field (including custom text fields) on the lead, contact, or account entity. Just select which entity, and you will see the corresponding fields available to choose from.
The following are the supported related entities that can be updated when updating a Lookup field:
- User
- Marketing List
- Team
- Workflow
- Contact
- Lead
- Account
- Event
- Campaign
- Email Template
- Email Send
- Web Content
- Currency
- Email CNAME
- Form Capture
- Form Field
- Domain
- Survey Question
- Subscription List
- Social Post
New Value: Since you are updating a text field, you can simply type in the value that the field should be updated with.
Updating both Contacts and Leads
If your participants could be a combination of contacts, leads, or accounts, and you need to update a text field on their record, regardless of the entity, you can do so by placing multiple Update Field actions in sequence.
Each action will look at the participant and whichever entity the participant's record is, the corresponding action will update the field.
How do I know if a contact/lead/account field was updated by a Campaign Automation?
If you have Audit History enabled in your Dynamics, you can use it to view the actions taken on a specific lead/contact/account. The field being updated would like the example below and you would likely see that the service user was the one who updated the field.
Feature Added: 9.21.0 |
Feature Updated: 11.4.0 |
Click Version Needed: 7.0 |