The Update Score action is used in Campaign Automations to trigger a score update once they reach this action within the Campaign Automation. Actions can be added to the canvas individually, or they can be included within Series. To learn more about series and actions, read this article.
- Learn how to add an Update Score Action to a Campaign Automation
- Learn how to set up an Update Score Action's properties
Add the Action to a Campaign Automation
To add an Update Score Action to a Campaign Automation, click on the Action icon in the sidebar and drag in onto the Campaign Automation Canvas.
Action Properties
Once the action has been added to the canvas, click on it and you will see the right panel change to show the properties of this action.
Display Name (required): The display name is entered by default, however you can change the display name to anything you like.
Select Scoring Rule (required): Use the lookup field to select the Scoring Rule that you would like this update to apply.The available rules are:
- Email opens
- Email clicked (includes Subscription Pages but does NOT include global unsubscribe links)
- Form submitted
- Form submission failed/error (triggered when a form capture redirects to the "Redirect on Failure" URL)
- Website visited (based on a single session regardless of pages visited)
- Page viewed (requires CD tracking script on the page)
- Opportunity created (for Contact only models)
- Opportunity lost (for Contact only models)
- Event attended (requires CD event connectors)
- Event registered (requires CD event connectors)
- Unsubscribe
Once a rule is selected, then the Update Score action will be applied to all Scoring Models that use the selected rule. Whether the value will be used to increase, decrease or replace the current score is determined by the action set for the selected rule in its corresponding Score Model. If the participant completes an action that triggers the selected rule, then they will still receive the original points set in the Score Model as well as the points assigned via the Update Score action.
Update Score Value (required): This field determines what value will be used for the update. This value can be set from 0-100.
Note: A note is an optional field for any details that need to be written about the action.
Use Cases
The Update Score action can be used to customize scores as recipients proceed through specific actions. For example, we can use multiple Email Interaction triggers to check for clicks on specific links to assign different point values for those links. In the following example, the top branch checks for a click on the "Job Board" link to award 44 additional points and the bottom branch checks for a click on the "Contact Form" link to award 55 points:
To select the links for each trigger, you will need to select the desired trigger, enable Emails Clicked, and then click Select which links:
After selecting your desired links and publishing your automation, your participants will progress along the positive path of the Email Interaction once they have reached that step in the automation and have clicked a selected link. The Update Score action will then update the appropriate Score records for that participant based on the rule and point value set for this action. In the Score History for this example, we can see an update for both of the links from our example email showing:
For more details on how you can leverage the Score Models, please see our article here.
Feature Added: 12.5 |
Feature Updated: 12.5.1 |
Click Version Needed: 12.5 |