The Notify User action is used in Campaign Automations to notify Dynamics Users when a Lead or Contact reaches that point in the automation. You can send a notification containing a custom message, and if the Notify User action follows a Submitted Form trigger, the notification will include the information submitted in the form. All notifications contain a link to the Lead or Contact record it is regarding. Actions can be added to the canvas individually, or they can be included within a Series. To learn more about series and actions, read this article.
Add the Action to a Campaign Automation
To add a Notify User Action to a Campaign Automation, click on the Action icon in the sidebar and drag in onto the Campaign Automation Canvas.
Action Properties
Once the action has been added to the canvas, click on it, and you will see the right panel change to show the properties of this action.
Display Name (required): The display name is entered by default, however you can change the display name to anything you like.
Send Email To (required): Use the lookup to select one or more users to send the notification email to.
Additional Email Addresses: Enter one or multiple email addresses that are not listed as users in your Dynamics. Make sure to separate multiple email addresses using a comma.
Notify Participant's Owner: Check this box if you want to send the notification to the participant's owner.
Message Subject (required): This will be the subject line of the notification email.
Message Content (required): This will be the content of the notification email. If no content is entered, the email will just contain the name of the lead or contact. If this action follows a Submitted Form trigger, it will also automatically contain the information submitted.
Note: A note is an optional field for any details that need to be written about the action.
Notification Email
Most of your notification emails will look something like the example below.
However, if your Notify User action is preceded by a Submitted Form trigger, the notification will include the form submission data as illustrated below.
No matter which one you receive, you can see that the notification will include the Message Subject and Message Content you specified in the Notify User action settings. The link along the top of the email will link back to the corresponding Lead or Contact record in Dynamics.
Note: The link leads directly to the Lead or Contact record in Dynamics, so users will need to be able to sign in to Dynamics and have the appropriate 'Read' privileges on the Lead/Contact entities to access the links properly. Please note that our ClickDimensions Core and User security roles offer, at most, access to the Leads/Contacts owned by that user, so you may need to grant other security roles with the correct Read permissions.
Usage Stats
If you check the Usage statistics/graph (found on the ClickDimensions Settings page), you will see notification emails generated from this Notify User action included with the count of your email stats. So that Usage graph will not show just your Email Sends but also Notify User emails from a Campaign Automation.
Feature Added: November 2015 |
Feature Updated: 8.7 |
Click Version Needed: 7.0 |