The table below lists the cookies that are placed in a visitor's browser when the Click tracking script is being used on the visited web page, their use and expiration.
- Learn about the types of cookies generated by Click Web Tracking
Name | Description | Expiration |
cuvid | This cookie is typically written to the browser upon the first visit to the site from that web browser. If the cookie has been deleted by the browser operator, and the browser subsequently visits the site, a new __cuid cookie is written with a different visitor unique ID. This cookie is used to determine unique visitors to the site and it is updated with each page view. Additionally, this cookie is provided with a unique ID that the application uses to ensure both the validity and accessibility of the cookie as an extra security measure. |
2 years from set/update |
cusid | This cookie is used to establish and continue a user session with the site. When a user views a page on the site, the script code attempts to update this cookie. If it does not find the cookie, a new one is written and a new session is established. Each time a user visits a different page on the site, this cookie is updated to expire in 30 minutes, thus continuing a single session for as long as user activity continues within 30-minute intervals. This cookie expires when a user pauses on a page on the site for longer than 30 minutes. |
30 minutes from set/update |
cuvon | Used to signal the last time a visitor viewed a page. | 30 minutes from set/update |
cd_optout_accountkey | "accountkey" in the cookie name is a placeholder; this text would correspond to your specific account key.
This cookie is generated if a visitor chooses to opt out of tracking and as long as it is present, we will not generate any web tracking data for this visitor. |
6 months from set/update* |
*This is the default value; the time can be changed using the daysToKeepTheAnswer value in the Opt-Out Dialog Customization Script.
NOTE: The cd_optout_accountkey cookie is only present if you are using the Opt-Out tracking script.
More on cookies:
- Want to alert your website visitors that you are using cookies on your website? Here's a sample javascript code that does just that.
- Read Click's own privacy policy to learn more about cookies.
NOTE: Click provides the technology to track and identify visitors to your website as part of our solution. Click believes in transparency and respecting website visitors' wishes. It is up to our customers to implement this technology in accordance with their local laws.