Click's Web Tracking tracks the visitors that come to your site on a micro level. You are able to see individual Leads, Contacts, and Anonymous Visitors who land on your site.
NOTE: You will need the Click Web Tracking script first placed on all the websites and web pages you want to track, so if you have not completed those steps, refer to our help article here.
- Learn about the web tracking analytics records that Click provides
- Dynamics 365
Click creates custom Web Analytics entities in Dynamics. The location of these entities depends on how you are viewing Click in Dynamics, so see here for details.
The Web Analytics entities are:
- IP Organizations
- Anonymous Visitors
- Visits
- Page Views
Below we will go through each of the entities.
IP Organizations
The organization that is associated with the IP address your visitors are using when visiting your website. Think of the IP Organization as the umbrella of a company's interaction with your website. If you have multiple visitors from one company, you will be able to see those visits in the IP Organization record, and other web tracking information as well. See here about correlating IP Address Traffic to an IP Organization.
All web tracking information will point back to an IP Organization.
**Any IP Address creates an IP Organization record, so it is not just company IPs that have IP Organization records created for them. So if a visitor is working from home or a coffee shop, that IP Address will create an IP Organization record if one doesn't already exist.
Anonymous Visitors
Click no longer syncs Anonymous Visitor records or their unidentified Page Views or IP Organizations to your Dynamics environment. All page views and visits related to Anonymous Visitors are still tracked within the Click Service, however they will only be synced once the visitor is identified as either a Contact or a Lead. This is to help reduce storage space consumption and API calls. For more details, please see our article here.
These records represent visitors that have visited your site, but have not been identified as a Lead or Contact. You can learn more about how these visitors can be identified here. Once identified, the now-inactive Anonymous Visitor record will still be accessible from the related records menu of the identified lead or contact.
These records contain information regarding all the visits Anonymous Visitors, Leads, or Contacts have made by visiting your website. Visit and page view records will only sync to Dynamics for identified contacts and leads. Visits and page views from anonymous visitors will still be stored in the Click Service and will sync once the the visitor is identified as a Lead or Contact.
Each Visit will contain all of the Page Views generated during that particular instance of a person accessing your website. You will see them listed in the record's sub-grid and also in the Visit's related records menu.
The General subsection:
- Started On and Ended On show when the visitor accessed and left your site.
- Duration shows how long the visit lasted in seconds.
- First Visit indicates whether this was the first time the visitor accessed your site.
- Bounce indicates if this was a bounce visit (a visit in which somebody looks at one page and leaves without interacting further with your site).
- Total Pages indicates how many web pages were viewed in this visit on your site.
- The Score field contains the base score for the visit record PLUS the scores of all its child Page View records.
The Page Views sub-grid:
Shows the associated Page View records of the Visit.
The Referrer subsection:
Contains data about the how the visitor accessed your site. Referrer, Keywords, Referring Host, Referrer Type, and Email Send.
- The Referrer Type field on the Visit (and Page View) record indicates how the visitor came to your site. The options are:
- Direct Traffic: The visitor navigated directly to your site by performing an action such as typing your URL into their search bar or by using a bookmark to your site.
- Search Engine: The visitor found your site through a search engine, such as Google or Bing.
- Email: The visitor accessed your site through a link in a Click email.
- Social: The visitor accessed your site through social media.
- Unknown: This generally indicates that the visitor reached your site through another site, such as a partner organization, or through another action, such as a automatic redirect after submitting a form.
- Internal: This type is used when a visitor arrives to a page from another page under the same domain.
- The Email Send field will populate when the web visit was generated from a Click Email Send. See our help article here for more details on Email Send conversions.
The Location subsection:
Contains details of the visitors location using data from the IP Address.
- IP Organization
- IP Address
- IP Postal Code
- IP Country
- IP State
- IP City
The Browser subsection:
Contains browser and operating system information of the visitor, language, a flash version, or if Adobe Reader was used.
The Regarding subsection:
Indicates if the Visit is associated to a Lead, Contact, Anonymous Visitor, and Dynamics Campaign.
If the Visit contains any Page Views originating from forms or surveys, the relevant Posted Form and Posted Survey records can be seen in the Visit's Related Records menu.
Page Views
These records are created when a visitor views a page on your website. The include information such as the page title, what type of page was viewed, how long the visitor was viewing the page, and how many points the page view is worth when calculating a lead score. Visit and page view records will only sync to Dynamics for identified contacts and leads. Visits and page views from anonymous visitors will still be stored in the Click Service and will sync once the the visitor is identified as a Lead or Contact.
The General subsection shows information such as which page was viewed, when it was viewed, and browser information for the visitor who viewed it.
- Browser
Values like these can appear - Android, iPhone, Chrome, IE, Firefox, Edge, Safari, iPad - Operating System
Values like these can appear - Mac, Windows, Linux, Mobile
If you look at the Browser and Operating System values together, you can tell if the web page was most likely viewed on a mobile device or desktop.
The Analytics subsection shows the duration of the page view in seconds as well as information about the page view that is dependent on whether you used the secondary tracking scripts, such as the Priority Script and Custom Score Script, described in this article.
The Referrer subsection shows how the visitor accessed your page (see the possible values under the Visit record description). If the visitor accessed the page via a search engine, the search terms they used will be listed in the Keywords field.
The Regarding subsection shows which records in Dynamics that the Page View is connected to, including the Lead, Contact, or Anonymous Visitor who viewed the page and the Visit and IP organization the Page View is a part of. If the Page View corresponds to a Form, Survey, Subscription Page, or Landing Page, The Web Content field will link to the relevant Web Content record in Dynamics.
Location of Web Tracking Entities
These entities are located in a number of places throughout Dynamics. If you are in the legacy client Dynamics interface, the main area where you can see these records is in ClickDimensions or Marketing > Analytics.
You can also find Web Analytics records associated with specific Leads or Contacts in their respective Related Records menus.
For various Web Tracking elements, such as web pages and web forms, you can associate them with a Campaign record. For example, when you associate a form with a Campaign record, you will be able to see all Posted Form records in the Dynamics Campaign record.
The Profile page, located in Lead and Contact records, is another location you can find some of these web tracking records. In the Profile page, you can see all web visits this Lead or Contact has made and specific page views (by inserting the Priority Page script on the web page). You can also see posted form fields the Lead or Contact had previously filled out via a form that is integrated with ClickDimensions.
Feature Added: Original |
Feature Updated: 11.7.0 |
Click Version Needed: 8.10.0 |