Adding your Click Tracking Script to your website will enable Click Web Tracking so you can see real-time information on who's visiting your site. To help our users comply with GDPR and other anti-spam regulations, we have also introduced an alternate Opt-Out Web Tracking Script.
NOTE:If you have not done so already, you need to first set up your domain(s) for Web Tracking to work.
Navigate to Tracking Script
Locate your script by going to Settings and Support > ClickDimensions Settings > Tracking Script.
When you click on Tracking Script, a pop-up will display containing several scripts. Look for Opt-Out Website Tracking Script.
Add the Script to Your Website
Before placing the script on your website, you may need to adjust the script to correspond to the domain you are using. If you are using a domain other than the one listed in the lines cdAnalytics.setDomain(''); and
var optOutHostID = 'clickdimensionscom_50XLFTVqzqUGRFVJVgcya';
manually delete the domain names in the script and replace them with the correct domain values. In the below example, the default values have been replaced with and
<script type="text/javascript" src="" > </script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="" > </script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var cdAnalytics = new clickdimensions.Analytics('');
cdAnalytics.setScore(typeof(cdScore) == "undefined" ? 0 : (cdScore == 0 ? null : cdScore));
var optOutHostId = 'tomatogardensorg_AmPFdlBv8LRyUJr5PPvja';
NOTE: The domain value used can include other special characters, as long as the period is removed. For example, would be tomatogardensorg but if we started with instead, tomato-gardensorg would work as well.
If you would like to track every page on your website, paste the Click Opt Out Website Tracking Script into your site's global footer.
NOTE: Do not put both the regular and opt-out tracking script on your page. If you do so, the opt-out will not be considered when the script runs; everyone will be tracked
If you would like to track an individual page, paste the Click Opt Out Website Tracking Script into the page's HTML immediately before the </body> tag.
If you use a CDN or certain WordPress themes, you will want to clear the cache of your site so that the changes made to the tracking script reflect on all your pages immediately. Reference help documentation from your hosting service or WordPress theme for how to clear the cache.
How Does this Web Tracking Differ from the Basic Web Tracking Script?
The Opt-Out tracking script contains additional JavaScript that displays a notification pop-up on the corresponding web page, alerting any visitors to the use of web tracking and allowing them to opt out of tracking.
If the visitor chooses to opt out of web tracking, we will not record any of their activity on your website. If the visitor is fine with being tracked, they can click OK, and that will close the notification and track them normally.
Can I Modify the Tracking Notification?
Yes! Under ClickDimensions Settings > Tracking Script, there is an additional script available called Opt-Out Dialog Customization Script.
Placing this script in the header of your website will allow you to change a number of different properties of the notification pop-up, including the text, font color, and background color.
Adding the Opt-Out Script to a Web Content Record
Every Click Form, Survey, Landing Page, and Subscription Page has our Web Tracking script automatically built into the record. If you would like the Web Content record to utilize the Opt-Out tracking script instead of the Opt-In tracking script, this can be accomplished by setting the Enable Opt Out field on the Web Content's associated Domain Record to Yes.
NOTE: This is most useful when you intend to link directly to a Web Content record. If you enable opt-out on a Web Content record's Domain Record, then embed the Web Content record onto a web page that also utilizes the Opt-Out Web Tracking Script, this can result in the person viewing the page seeing two tracking notification pop-ups. In this scenario, including the Opt-Out script on the page in which the Web Content is embedded should be sufficient.
Click here to learn more about Domain Records.
Feature Added: 9.2.0 |
Feature Updated: 9.2.0 |
Click Version Needed: Any |