Our InboxCast feature makes it easy to prepare and send an email through the Click email marketing tab without designing an Email Template first. This way you get the personalized look and feel of a regular email but still get the tracking features of Click.
Essentially, you will create the email message in the email client of your choice (Outlook, Gmail, etc.) and then prompt our InboxCast service to create an Email Send version of your original message within Dynamics. To send the email, you will access the Email Send record in Dynamics and press send from there.
To your recipients, the email will look like it is a standard email message, however, we have pulled it into Dynamics as a Click email with the tracking features and statistics enabled.
Send an InboxCast Email
To begin, you must first prepare your email in your email client of choice (Outlook, Gmail, Hotmail etc.) It is best to wait until the email send is generated in Dynamics before adding in your personalization.
Some fonts may not be recognized and will switch to a web safe font, such as Times New Roman, once in Click, so don't spend too much time here setting your fonts. You can of course try and see if your fonts work for future reference.
Do not include attachments in your InboxCast email. InboxCast converts your email into an Email Send in Dynamics and Email Sends do not support attachments. Once the Email Send is generated, any items you want to attach to the email can be linked within it using the file manager.
Next, go to your Dynamics Marketing List that you want to send this mail to and click the InboxCast button to receive the unique InboxCast email address.
Copy the email address that is displayed in the pop-up window:
Paste the email address in the 'To' field of your original email message and send this email. This sends a prompt to replicate your original email message as an Email Send within Dynamics; your recipients have not yet been sent the email at this point.
Access the Email Send
Within a few minutes, you will receive a confirmation email in your email client's inbox telling you that your email is ready to be sent from the Click email marketing engine. Click the 'Email Send' link to open the Email Send record draft that InboxCast has prepared.
Inspect the Email Send record, add additional recipients if you want (you can add any mix of Leads, Contacts, Accounts and Marketing Lists). You can also edit the email by pressing Full Screen in the HTML Version area. There you can use the drop downs for the dynamic content, just be sure to hit the save button in the editor. When you're ready, click Send.
Your email has now been sent to all recipients listed on the Email Send just like any Click email. All tracking results will be linked to the Sent Email Send record.