Getting ready to send out your next big Email Send and feel like you may have missed something, but you're not quite sure what?
Don't worry, we've all been there. Here's a handy checklist to run through to ease any doubts before you're ready to launch that Email Campaign.
- The subject line is correct.
- The Preview / Preheader text is correct.
- The “From” email address is correct.
- The “From” name is correct.
- The “Reply-to” email address is correct.
- From Owner Field set to Yes / No - as appropriate.
- Ensure the correct and most up-to-date Template is attached.
- The email copy is correct and reviewed/editor-approved.
- If there is copy that’s center aligned, check the length on various devices/email clients.
- Check the rendering of any wrap-text boxes on various Devices / Email Clients.
- All URLs are correct (check all text links and buttons - double check the Email CNAME being used)
- All landing pages are correct (that are being linked to)
- All URL UTMs are correct (that are being linked to)
- Images load, render the correct size, and are clear and focused (recheck image resolution quality when zoomed).
- All images are linked appropriately.
- All images have alt tags (if needed).
- The background image is not too dark or light or distracting for text overlay.
- Email tested and renders well in dark mode.
- Email tested and rendered well on mobile devices (not too much copy, images too large, etc).
- Confirm that dynamic content works (if in use).
- Confirm any merge fields are correct (if in use).
- Footer is correct (Please note that the links in the footer may not work in your test email, but will work in the live version of the email).
- The target lists/audience is correct. Check Recipients that you wish to Include as well as exclude.
- The deployment date and time are correct. (And set to the correct Timezone if in use).
- Confirm that any automations or automation rules are logically sound and work (if in use).
Email Campaign Check List
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