Marketing Goals give you the ability set and monitor goals in your Campaign Automations and to determine how participants proceed after achieving a goal. It is currently only possible to set 1 goal per automation. The Marketing Goals can be found by opening the designer for a Campaign Automation record and clicking on the “Goal” option above the main canvas.
NOTE: As of yet form capture is not supported when utilizing the goals.
Marketing Goals window
Clicking the 'Goal' button will open the Marketing Goal window with the following options:
Goal Name: Allows you to enter a name of up to 120 characters for your goal.
Select Goal Type: Allows you to select an action to be tracked for this goal. Please note that the selected action does not need to have a corresponding action/trigger in the automation itself. The list of selectable actions are:
- Submitted Form
- Submitted Subscription
- Submitted Survey
- Email Interaction
- Added to List
- Removed from List
- Registered for Event
- Attended Event
The participant submitted: Once a Goal Type is selected, this lookup field allows you to select the specific record/interaction that will be checked to monitor your goal depending on that selected goal.
Goal criteria: Allows you to set the desired number or percentage of participants that you would like to have achieve this goal. The number field will only accept whole numbers larger than 0 and will only accept values less than 100 when checking the percentage of participants to help prevent invalid scenarios.
Goal Time-Range: Allows you to set the end date for the goal’s completion. The automation will continue to run after this date has passed, but the goal statistics will stop updating after this date.
Once Participant Achieved Goal: Allows you to set whether participants who achieve the selected goal should continue or be removed from the automation.
Statistics tab
The Marketing Goals will display its statistics in the ‘Statistics’ tab of the Campaign Automation. On the left side of this area, you can see if the goal has been reached, the number of participants that have started the automation, the number of participants that completed the goal action, and the parameters of your set goal. There is also a pie chart to help illustrate how close your goal is to completion and a line graph to show the goal’s progress over time.
These statistics will track from the date that the goal was set until the date in the Goal Time-Range field is reached. If the “Goal Type” field or the “Participant submitted” lookup field are later changed, then the goal Statistics will be reset and will then begin to show the new statistics.
Participants tab
When using a goal, new “Goal” column has been added in the Participant tab of the automation. This column will display either “Achieved” for participants that have performed the goal action or “Not Achieved” for participants that have not taken the action.
Feature Added: 11.3.0 Feature Updated: 11.3.0 |