Click provides a report called ClickDimensions Email Clicks. The report provides a list of every link in an Email Send that was clicked at least once and indicates how many times the links were clicked and by whom.
NOTE: The Click Report is also accessible using the Email Statistics button. Click here to learn more.
- Learn how to access the click report
- Learn how to read the click report
- Dynamics 365
- Legacy
To access the Click Report, open a Sent Email Send record, then click the Run Report button. Click the ... button, and choose Run Report and then ClickDimensions Email Clicks to run the report.
The report will open in a new window. The first page is a list of all the links that were clicked in your email. It will show how many Total Clicks and Unique Clicks for each of the links listed.
You can export this information to several different types of documents by pressing the Save To button.
If you want to see who clicked on a specific link, click on the link’s URL. The report window will refresh with a list of all Leads, Contacts, and Accounts who clicked on the link.
From this view, you can click on any Lead, Contact, or Account name, and it will open the corresponding record in Dynamics.
Dynamics 2013/2015
To access the Click Report, open a Sent Email Send record, then click the Run Report button. Click the ... button, and choose Run Report and then ClickDimensions Email Clicks to run the report.
The report will open in a new window. The first page is a list of all the links that were clicked in your email. It will show how many Total Clicks and Unique Clicks for each of the links listed.
You can export this information to several different types of documents by pressing the Save To button.
If you want to see who clicked on a specific link, click on the link’s URL. The report window will refresh with a list of all Leads, Contacts, and Accounts who clicked on the link.
From this view, you can click on any Lead, Contact, or Account name, and it will open the corresponding record in Dynamics.
For more statistics, click on these links: Statistics Graphs, Sent Emails, Email Events.
Feature Added: 4.1.0 |
Feature Updated: 8.4.0 |
Click Version Needed: 8.4.0 |