There may come a time when you want to create an automated process based on a Click entity. Our Form Actions and Campaign Automations have helped make this process easier, but sometimes you may want something a bit more specific.
NOTE: This article discusses the use of a Dynamics workflow to extend the native functionality of Click Marketing Automation. Workflows are a native Dynamics entity, so they fall outside the scope of Click support. If you need assistance setting up a workflow, please reach out to your Dynamics partner or administrator.
- Learn how to send a trackable Click email using a Dynamics workflow
Create a New Workflow/Process Record
Click the Gear icon and select advanced settings.
In the Advanced Settings, go to Settings > Processes.
Click New to create a new record.
In the Create Process window, enter a Name for your workflow, the Entity the workflow will be based off of, select Workflow for the Category field, and select New Blank Process.
Click Ok.
Set the General Properties
We need to change a couple fields in the General Tab:
- Scope: Change the scope to Organization
- Record is Created: Make sure this option is checked
Add the Steps
The goal of this workflow is send a Click email to the Lead or Contact who submitted the form. For this workflow, we want to make sure that the email will only be sent if Lead/Contact submitted the Contact Us form. So, we first need to see which Form was posted. Start by clicking on the first Row (where is says "Select this Row and click Add step") and click Add Step then choose Check Condition in the drop down menu.
A new line will be inserted into the Workflow.
Check the Form Name
To specify the name of the Form we want to check for, click on the <condition> link.
A "Specify Condition" window will open, and here is where we will specify the name. You'll need to select the following:
- First Column: Form Submission
- Second Column: Name
- Third Column: Equals
- Fourth Column: Contact Us (or the name of the form you want to check for)
Your window should look like this:
Click Save and Close.
Lead or Contact?
Next we need to check if a Lead or a Contact submitted the Form, and if any were recorded in the Form Submission record. Select the row under the condition that we just created, click Add Step and select Check Condition.
Click the <condition> link again to specify what we're looking for. For this step, we are checking to see if a Lead submitted the form. In the Specify Condition window, you columns should contain the following:
- First Column: Form Submission
- Second Column: Lead
- Third Column: Contains Data
If a Lead submitted the form or a new Lead was created, there should be some value in the Lead field. So, if the Lead field contains data, we know to send it to the Lead. You window should look like this:
Click Save and Close.
Send the Email
The next step is to send the email. Click the step under the "If Lead" condition, click Add Step and select Create Record (NOT Send Email - this will send a normal Dynamics email). In the Create drop down menu, select Send ClickDimensions Email.
Click Set Properties to specify the details for the email.
- Enter the Subject line of the email
- Look up the ClickDimensions Email Template you want to send
- Specify who is sending the email
- From Record Owner - will send the email from the Dynamics User who owns the Lead record we are sending the email to
- From - Use the Look Up field to specify a Dynamics User as the From Name and From Email.
- From Name, From Email - You can set a specific From Name and From Email instead of using the 'From' field above. If you set send from record owner to 'yes', this should also be set as a back-up value if for some reason the person does not have an owner or the owner does not have the right information filled in.
- Do NOT specify an Owner.
- Email CNAME (optional) - Choose from a different Email CNAME you may have previously set up that is different from your original Email CNAME entry. More about multiple Email CNAMEs here.
- Preheader (optional) - Input some text here to show in certain receiving email clients instead of the first line of the email message.
- Transactional: Denotes whether this email is a transactional email or not. Transactional means it is a non-marketing email that sends regardless of preferences; for more information see here. Non-transactional emails require a Subscription List to be specified and an opt-out method provided within the email content. You must be on Click version 9.2.4+ for this to show and work properly.
- Subscription List: This field is used to specify the Subscription List that this particular email will be related to. Subscription Lists help manage opt-ins and opt-outs, so selecting the appropriate Subscription List will ensure that only your recipients who opted-in to this subscription list will receive the message. This field will be present regardless of whether or not your organization is using the Opt-In Subscription Management style, but the field must be used if your organization is using the Opt-In style. You must be on Click version 9.2.4+ for this to show and work properly.
- Category: This field is used to designate the category of the Email Send.
Under the Recipient section, we will specify the Lead by using a Dynamic Value. The Dynamic Value will pull in the Lead that submitted the form/is listed in the Form Submission record. Place your cursor in the Lead look up field. On the right column > under Look For > you should see two drop down fields. The first one should contain Posted Form, and the second one should contain Lead. Click the Add button to add the Dynamic Value to the box under the button.
Click Ok, and the Dynamic Value is inserted into the Lead field.
NOTE: DO NOT add both the lead and the contact in this step. The email can only be sent to one recipient at a time, and filling in both the lead and contact fields will prevent the email from sending properly. The following steps will show how to handle both leads and contacts in the same workflow.
Click Save and Close in the Properties window. The workflow looks like this:
Repeat for Contacts
So far we have checked if a Lead submitted the form, but now we need to check to see if a Contact has submitted the form. We are going to do the exact same steps we did with Lead, except they will be for Contacts. To add the "If Contact" condition, select the step that checks if it is a Lead, like below:
Then click Add Step, and select Check Condition. In the new step, click the <condition> link. For Contact, we are looking to see if the Contact field in a Form Submission contains data. Your window should look like this:
Click Save and Close. Then under the condition step, add another Create Record and select Send ClickDimensions Email for the record.
Click Set Properties to specify the email template, and more (just like we did with the Lead). This time when specifying the Recipient, place the cursor in the Contact field, and add the Form Submission Contact dynamic value.
Click Save and Close to save your changes. That is all the steps that are needed, and the workflow looks like this:
Click Save to save the workflow. Now we are ready to publish. Click Activate to publish your workflow.
Once the workflow is published, the workflow will run any time a form is submitted. Also, keep in mind that you cannot edit the workflow while it is Active. You must Deactivate the workflow to edit any of the steps.
That's how you can create a workflow using Click entities - specifically Form Submissions. This is just an example and very low detailed version of what you can do with workflows, but it should help get you started in the right direction.
Feature Added: Original |
Feature Updated: 9.2.4 (8.2.3 for CRM 2011) |
Click Version Needed: 9.2.4 (8.2.3 for CRM 2011) |