One of the benefits of using Click is that you can personalize your email with Dynamics data. You can personalize the email with information from Lead, Contact, Account and User records as well as the Sender record. The Email Designer and Drag and Drop editors can also access entities that have a many to one (N:1) relationship with these entities.
The code inserted into the email by our easy to use email editor buttons is FreeMarker code.
In the examples below, we are going to personalize the email with a salutation using a Contact's first name.
- Updated D&D Menu
- Freestyle
- Block
Personalization Menu - Drag and Drop Editor
You can add personalization to the email:
Click the Personalize button to open the Personalization menu:
Within the Fields tab, you can select a Personalization Source to insert information from the following record types into your email:
- Account
- Contact
- Email Send
- Lead
- Owner (of the Lead, Contact, or Account being sent to)
After selecting a source, a Fields drop-down will appear to allow you to select which fields you would like to add from the source entity. If you do not see a custom field you created, publish metadata:
As you select your desired fields,the Preview area will update to show you the Freemarker code for each selected field:
Within the Related Entities tab, you can select a Personalization Source of Account, Contact or Lead and then select a related entity to insert information from. A maximum of up to 1 related entities can be used within an email. Unlike the Fields tab, the Related Entities tab generates a list by pulling the selected fields from each related record instead of pulling from a specific record. After selecting a source and related entity, a Fields drop-down will appear to allow you to select which field(s) you would like to add from the related entity. If you do not see a custom field you created, publish metadata:
Once you have selected your desired fields select Add Personalization to insert the code directly into the email.
NOTE: The Account option is referring to when you send an email directly to an Account record within Dynamics. It is possible to send Click Emails to an Account entity. These emails will go to the email address on the Account record (not the primary contact and not all the Contacts under the Account, but to the actual Email Address field on the Account record). With that said, we recommend that you stick to sending to Leads and Contacts as much as possible because web tracking and forms cannot be associated to Accounts since they are viewed as groups of people and not individuals in Dynamics.
Selecting Entities for Personalization
By default, the personalization menu offers options for the fields on the Contact, Lead, and Account entities, Version 12.5.1 introduced the ability to select any additional Dynamics entities (native or custom) that has a many to one (N:1) relationship with your Contact, Lead or Account entities as additional personalization options. To enable these, navigate to Settings and Support > ClickDimensions Settings > Personalization Configuration:
This will open the Personalization Configuration window where you can select which entities to enable:
Once your entities are selected, then you will be able to choose a specific field when you select a lookup field that uses those entities in the Drag and Drop editor or the Subject field of your email send. For example, the Select School Field appears after selecting the School entity in this example:
Validations Button
This is available in the Drag and Drop editor.
Click the Validations button and the FreeMarker code included within your email editor will be checked for errors, such as missing characters or if the field you are trying to reference exists in your environment. If the code can be processed, you will see an indication that there are no errors.
If an error is detected, an indication will appear that the validation has failed. The error message displayed will indicate what needs to be fixed.
Freestyle Editor
Type a simple greeting, such as Hello, in the email. After you type Hello, hit the space bar and click on the personalization button:
This will open the personalization menu. Click on the Contact tab at the top and then choose the First Name field from the list:
TIP: If your custom fields are not showing under the entity, go to Settings > ClickDimensions Settings > Metadata. You must publish your metadata for Click to know of the additional fields in your CRM records.
A script, ${Recipient.lead.firstname[0]!""} will be inserted where your cursor was located.
Now, if you wanted to send an email to a combination of Leads and Contacts, you can personalize your email for both entities. Place your cursor directly after the Lead script, and click the Personalization button again and go to Contacts. Select First Name. The script is inserted directly after the Lead First Name script.
The email will now be personalized for both Leads and Contacts.
IMPORTANT: All scripts will be evaluated every time. If you place both lead and contact scripts, do not place anything in the quotes for a default. For example if you put ${Recipient.lead.firstname[0]!"Valued Customer"}${[0]!"Valued Customer"} what will display if it is sent to a Lead is JohnValued Customer.
Check FreeMarker
The Freestyle editor also offers the use of the Check FreeMarker button at the top of the editor window. Click the Check FreeMarker button and the FreeMarker code included within your email template will be checked for errors. If the code can be processed, you will see an indication that there are no errors.
Personalizing Subject Lines
You can do this same personalization for the subject line. Just do the same as above and copy the script and paste it into the subject line.
Block Editor
Type a simple greeting, such as Hello, in the email. After you type Hello, hit the space bar and click on the drop down arrow next to Lead.
A list will appear with all of the fields that are in the Lead record, including any custom fields that you have added.
Tip: If your custom fields are not showing under the entity, go to Settings > ClickDimensions Settings > Metadata. You must publish your metadata for Click to know of the additional fields in your Dynamics records.
In the list under Lead, select First Name. A script, ${Recipient.lead.firstname[0]!""} will be inserted where your cursor was located.
Now, if you wanted to send an email to a combination of Leads and Contacts, you can personalize your email for both entities. Place your cursor directly after the Lead script, and click the drop down arrow next to Contacts. Select First Name again. The script is inserted directly after the Lead First Name script.
The email will now be personalized for both Leads and Contacts.
IMPORTANT: All scripts will be evaluated every time. If you place both lead and contact scripts, do not place anything in the quotes for a default. For example if you put ${Recipient.lead.firstname[0]!"Valued Customer"}${[0]!"Valued Customer"} what will display if it is sent to a Lead is "JohnValued Customer".
Personalizing Subject Lines and From Information
You can do this same personalization for the subject line, as well as the From Name and From Email fields. Just do the same as above and copy the script and paste it into the subject line, From Name, and/or From Email Address field(s).
You can also use the Personalize button at the right end of the Subject field to select and insert Freemarker.
If you have enabled any entities in the Personalization Configuration settings as described in the Drag and Drop section above, then you will also have access to their fields when you select an appropriate lookup field as your Contact/Lead/Account field.
Feature Added: 5.0 |
Feature Updated: 2023.04 |
Click Version Needed: 5.0 |
Additional Training: Check out the ClickDimensions Academy for more on this topic!